Albert Camus quotes
7 November 1913 Dréan, French Algeria.
4 January 1960.
Philosopher, author, journalist.
Albert Camus was a French philosopher, author, and journalist. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. He wrote in his essay The Rebel that his whole life was devoted to opposing the philosophy of nihilism while still delving deeply into individual freedom. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957.
We are all special cases.
– Albert Camus
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
– Albert Camus
Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny.
– Albert Camus
There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.
– Albert Camus
In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
– Albert Camus
To be happy we must not be too concerned with others.
– Albert Camus
A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.
– Albert Camus
I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.
– Albert Camus
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
– Albert Camus
A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.
– Albert Camus
At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face.
– Albert Camus
Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
– Albert Camus
It is necessary to fall in love… if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair you are going to feel anyway.
– Albert Camus
– Albert Camus
No matter what cause one defends, it will suffer permanent disgrace if one resorts to blind attacks on crowds of innocent people.
– Albert Camus
Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.
– Albert Camus
I was born poor and without religion, under a happy sky, feeling harmony, not hostility, in nature. I began not by feeling torn, but in plenitude.
– Albert Camus
The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.
– Albert Camus
The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind.
– Albert Camus
Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear.
– Albert Camus
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
– Albert Camus
Your successes and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them.
– Albert Camus
Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.
– Albert Camus
Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.
– Albert Camus
A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession.
– Albert Camus
We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die.
– Albert Camus
Every revolutionary ends up either by becoming an oppressor or a heretic.
– Albert Camus
Don’t wait for the last judgment – it takes place every day.
– Albert Camus
Alas, after a certain age every man is responsible for his face.
– Albert Camus
Man is an idea, and a precious small idea once he turns his back on love.
– Albert Camus
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
– Albert Camus
Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion.
– Albert Camus
Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.
– Albert Camus
When you have really exhausted an experience you always reverence and love it.
– Albert Camus
What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians.
– Albert Camus
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone.
– Albert Camus
Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.
– Albert Camus
Without freedom, no art; art lives only on the restraints it imposes on itself, and dies of all others.
– Albert Camus
There is no love of life without despair of life.
– Albert Camus
Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being understood – never.
– Albert Camus
Without work, all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.
– Albert Camus
The society based on production is only productive, not creative.
– Albert Camus
There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide.
– Albert Camus