Chris Pine quotes
August 26, 1980, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Chris Pine is an American actor.
Into the Woods (2014)
Outlaw King (2018)
Wonder Woman (2017)
No matter how bad the individual, everybody has reasons for why they do what they do.
– Chris Pine
I had a job at this French restaurant, and I hated it. I don’t like serving; I don’t like getting people ketchup.
– Chris Pine
I’m enjoying the aging process and the gray hair and the wrinkles.
– Chris Pine
I really like the ritual of shaving. I like getting the perfect brush and finding the right sandalwood soap. The act of shaving, though, is not fun. I like beards and the ease of them.
– Chris Pine
You can be many miles away and press a button on a keyboard, and it can cause devastation.
– Chris Pine
Therapy’s like going to the gym.
– Chris Pine
I talk to myself, especially in the car.
– Chris Pine
Just lead your life and try to make the best decisions.
– Chris Pine
Generally speaking, the more money that’s involved in anything, the more people are expecting and hoping that it’s not going to fail.
– Chris Pine
Whether you’re scared of getting into a relationship; or taking the new job; or a confrontation – you have to size fear up.
– Chris Pine
I like a deep sports massage – a casual beating up. I try to get them whenever I can, usually more if I’m getting in shape for a role.
– Chris Pine
There’s certainly the ego-based me that is very competitive.
– Chris Pine
One thing that I do find really sexy is a girl who’s good at crossword puzzles.
– Chris Pine
The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.
– Chris Pine
The more you are positive and say, ‘I want to have a good life,’ the more you build that reality for yourself by creating the life that you want.
– Chris Pine
‘Me’ time is just as important as ‘us’ time.
– Chris Pine
I’m sensitive, and I don’t ever want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
– Chris Pine
I find it really hard to even read another script while shooting.
– Chris Pine
Hollywood is like living in a weird bubble. A bunch of people take care of you and get you stuff, and you’re the center of that little microcosmic world. You start believing that it is real and… you deserve it.
– Chris Pine
Not a fan of spiders. I saw the movie ‘Arachnophobia,’ which was single-handedly rated in the top three worst choices of my life.
– Chris Pine
Growing up in a family of actors, what’s great about it is that they’re very supportive and they understand what it’s like to be an actor – the rejections, the highs and lows… and having a common language with them is great because you have shorthand speech.
– Chris Pine
Work takes up a lot of my brain space. So when I work, it’s one thing. I don’t have a lot of time to think about dating.
– Chris Pine
The customer is not always right.
– Chris Pine
I have no control over what people think, and if I were to spend energy on that, I would be a lifeless, deadened human being.
– Chris Pine
I believe in luck and fate and I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you.
– Chris Pine
The mythic journey is always about selflessness.
– Chris Pine
I performed and sang at school but as a child it was never anything I was interested in doing professionally.
– Chris Pine