Dick Clark quotes

November 30, 1929 Mount Vernon, New York, U.S.

April 18, 2012.

Radio and television personality.

Dick Clark was an American radio and television personality, best known for hosting American Bandstand from 1957 to 1988.

If you want to stay young-looking, pick your parents very carefully..
– Dick Clark

I don’t set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.
– Dick Clark

I don’t make culture. I sell it.
– Dick Clark

Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law?
– Dick Clark

I’m a survivor in a business that constantly rejects you.
– Dick Clark

The music of your youth stays with you throughout your life.
– Dick Clark

Music is the soundtrack of your life.
– Dick Clark

The faultless formulas of television-the ones that last-are simple.
– Dick Clark

Success is finding something you love to do, getting paid to do it and finding someone to share it with.
– Dick Clark

The problem is when you try to impose today’s standards on people living back then. It’s the politically correct thing to do, but it was a different era, a different country then.
– Dick Clark

It’s real good to be back with you again this year.
– Dick Clark

Jet lag is for amateurs.
– Dick Clark

It’s rare when an artist’s talent can touch an entire generation of people. It’s even rarer when that same influence affects several generations. Elvis made an imprint on the world of pop music unequaled by any other single performer.
– Dick Clark

Well, I’m using a cane, so what? So what if they shot me sitting in a wheelchair? That’s life!
– Dick Clark

Age ain’t got nothing to do with how old you are.
– Dick Clark

Last year I had a stroke. It left me in bad shape. I had to teach myself how to walk and talk all over again. It was a long hard fight. My speech is not perfect but I’m getting there.
– Dick Clark