Dieter Rams quotes
20 May 1932, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany.
Dieter Rams is a German designer.
The design should make the product speak to you.
– Dieter Rams
Products have to be designed in a way that they are comprehensible.
– Dieter Rams
All too much of the man-made is ugly, inefficient, depressing chaos.
– Dieter Rams
I don’t like computers. I still like to do my drawings by hand.
– Dieter Rams
You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.
– Dieter Rams
I like to be in New York. Le Corbusier described it in the 1930s as a ‘wonderful catastrophe.’ It is still a wonderful catastrophe, but inspiring.
– Dieter Rams
My heart belongs to the details. I actually always found them to be more important than the big picture. Nothing works without details. They are everything, the baseline of quality.
– Dieter Rams
People react positively when things are clear and understandable.
– Dieter Rams
Good design is as little design as possible. Less, but better – because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.
– Dieter Rams
Quiet is better than loud.
– Dieter Rams
I am not an early bird. I go to bed normally between midnight and 1 o’clock, so it is understandable that I cannot be an early bird. I wake up around 9 o’clock.
– Dieter Rams
Good design makes a product understandable.
– Dieter Rams
Good design is long-lasting! It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated.
– Dieter Rams