Jake Gyllenhaal quotes
December 19, 1980, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
I’ve learned over the years that freedom is just the other side of discipline.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Crazy people don’t sit around wondering if they’re nuts.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Theater has given me a different perspective on the way I approach films.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Really, contrary to popular belief, I like to have a good time and not take myself too seriously.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I love ‘Training Day‘ – that’s a great movie.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Even as an actor, I think like a storyteller. My parents raised us to look at the script.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Every man goes through a period of thinking they’re attracted to another guy.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I hope I’m a spiritual person. I’m trying to be a spiritual person.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I did a lot of background and research on ‘End Of Watch,’ and I definitely used certain skills that I learned.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
‘Brokeback Mountain‘ takes all your conceptions of America, and the Western, and cowboys, and sexuality, and love, and it stirs them all up.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I have a mentor. I have… guides. I have a lot of guides. Not a lot, but people whose opinions I really respect and who I will turn to.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
When I was young, before school, my father would wake me up and we would go running together. A love of being physical, being active and being outside was something he instilled in me.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
In work, never have any regrets and always leave everything on the field.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I don’t always think it’s necessary for somebody to be nice all the time.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
It’s funny to me that people find other people getting coffee really interesting, or walking their dog in the dog park.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I don’t think I’m sharp enough to not prepare and come on set and kill it.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I think you hear a lot of people say ‘I support the troops’ and all of that, but I really feel deeply that I do.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I grew up in a family where many of our close friends were gay couples. As well as that, every man goes through a period of thinking they’re attracted to another guy.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Romance is important, but to have a friend you can use as a mirror, who can give you an objective response, that’s what’s really important.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
My experience on ‘Jarhead‘ was life changing.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I can’t make a movie unless I believe in the themes behind it. I mean, that’s the first question I ask myself, always, is, ‘What is this movie about?’
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I’m open to whatever people want to call me.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I want, overall, to trust what I know is right. There have been many times when I haven’t.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Do I take care of my body and take conditioning seriously? Yes.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Every journey starts with fear.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Don’t listen to what anybody says except the people who encourage you. If it’s what you want to do and it’s within yourself, then keep going and try to do it for the rest of your life.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I don’t think my approach to acting is all necessarily in service of the character. I think, selfishly, I’ve put it in service of myself, my perspective on the world and helping my life.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I think it’s important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I have an overactive brain, and as a result of that, I can really get in my own mind. So I like to try and exercise it to the point of exhaustion.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
My mum and dad are pretty amazing chefs and they spent most of my childhood cooking really extravagant things for my sister and me.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
I think that more and more there’s a sense that the best performances I can give are the ones that are the truest to who I am. The further I move away from who I am, the worse they are.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
My mum raised us on classic movies and a lot of musical theatre.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
As much as I am one for real human interaction, I also want to make a show that’s entertaining and that people want to see.
– Jake Gyllenhaal