John Hurt quotes
22 January 1940, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England.
25 January 2017.
John Hurt was an English actor.
Alien (1979)
Rob Roy (1995)
Spaceballs (1987)
The Elephant Man (1980)
The clergy is in the same business as actors, just a different department.
– John Hurt
I like entertaining. I adore it. I feel I’m in the right place. Without question.
– John Hurt
One thing that is likely to make you lose touch is if you keep in touch with the past too much.
– John Hurt
Society is constantly recalibrating, redefining what it considers to be moral and immoral.
– John Hurt
I’m very much of the opinion that to work is better than not to work.
– John Hurt
Each day, as you get older, there is a new perspective on life. It’s a progression of some sort.
– John Hurt
I’ve done some stinkers in the cinema. You can’t regret it; there are always reasons for doing something, even if it’s just the location.
– John Hurt
I never had any ambition to be a star, or whatever it is called, and I’m still embarrassed at the word.
– John Hurt
We’re all just passing time and occupy our chair very briefly.
– John Hurt
Pretending to be other people is my game and that to me is the essence of the whole business of acting.
– John Hurt
I love the uilleann pipes and listen to Ronan Browne who’s an uilleann piper.
– John Hurt
I first got involved with Mel Brooks through ‘The Elephant Man.’ Everybody knows now, but they didn’t know at the time that he was the producer.
– John Hurt
I put everything I can into the mulberry of my mind and hope that it is going to ferment and make a decent wine. How that process happens, I’m sorry to tell you I can’t describe.
– John Hurt
We are all racing towards death. No matter how many great, intellectual conclusions we draw during our lives, we know they’re all only man-made, like God. I begin to wonder where it all leads. What can you do, except do what you can do as best you know how.
– John Hurt
It would be difficult to have any unfulfilled ambitions because I don’t have any ambitions. I’ve never been that kind of performer.
– John Hurt
I don’t know whether I inspire anything in anyone.
– John Hurt
I have lots of favourite memories but I can’t say that I have a favourite film.
– John Hurt
My parents felt that acting was far too insecure. Don’t ask me what made them think that painting would be more secure.
– John Hurt
Also, the wonderful thing about film, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. You did realize that it is going to come to an end at some stage.
– John Hurt
If I’m in theatre, cinema doesn’t even cross my mind. Similarly when I’m making a film, theatre doesn’t cross my mind.
– John Hurt
‘The Naked Civil Servant’ was as important for me as ‘Easy Rider‘ was for Jack Nicholson. No question.
– John Hurt
If you do an interview in 1960, something it’s bound to change by the year 2000. And if it doesn’t, then there’s something drastically wrong.
– John Hurt
I say you play a part, you don’t work one.
– John Hurt