John McCain quotes
August 29, 1936, Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, U.S.
August 25, 2018.
Military Leader, U.S. Senator.
John Sidney McCain III is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona, in that office since 1987. He was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.
I think that Fox News is a bit schizophrenic.
– John McCain
I’m sick and tired – and the American people are sick and tired – of the pork barrel spending.
– John McCain
Putin wants to restore the Russian empire. That’s his ambition; he’s stated it many times.
– John McCain
I’ve always given presidents the benefit of the doubt on their nominees.
– John McCain
You have to listen to people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican Party. I think it would be foolish to ignore them.
– John McCain
America’s greatest strength has always been its hopeful vision of human progress.
– John McCain
We need a free press. We must have it. It’s vital.
– John McCain
The U.S. never lost a battle against North Vietnam, but it lost the war.
– John McCain
I don’t doubt the sincerity of my Democratic friends. And they should not doubt ours.
– John McCain
Russia’s leaders, rich with oil wealth and corrupt with power, have rejected democratic ideals and the obligations of a responsible power.
– John McCain
I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else’s.
– John McCain
No one can plausibly argue that ridding the world of Saddam Hussein will not significantly improve the stability of the region and the security of American interests and values.
– John McCain
For much of my life, the Navy was the only world I knew. It is still the world I know best and love most.
– John McCain
I think it’s important for the president of the United States to be aware of the intelligence information that we have.
– John McCain
I don’t think anybody is – no one could compare to Ronald Reagan, because he was the right man at the right time.
– John McCain
My record shows that I have put my country first, and I follow the philosophy and traditions of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.
– John McCain
Sometimes it’s important to watch what the president does rather than what he says.
– John McCain
I think it’s important for Donald Trump to express his appreciation for veterans – not John McCain, but veterans who were incarcerated as prisoners of war.
– John McCain
To argue against the global economy is like stating opposition to the weather – it continues whether you like it or not.
– John McCain
Remember the words of Chairman Mao: ‘It’s always darkest before it’s totally black.
– John McCain
Our great power does not mean we can do whatever we want whenever we want, nor should we assume we have all the wisdom and knowledge necessary to succeed.
– John McCain
I think that Rand Paul represents a segment of the GOP, just like his father. And I think he is trying to expand that, intelligently, to make it larger.
– John McCain
Sen. Obama comes from the old Chicago machine politics and has never taken on the special interests in his party on a major issue ever.
– John McCain
I used to write books and plays in my mind, but I doubt that any of them would have been above the level of the cheapest dime novel.
– John McCain
I don’t think Roger Ailes is ham-fisted.
– John McCain
The United States must look beyond Mr. Putin. His regime may appear imposing, but it is rotting inside. His Russia is not a great power on par with America. It is a gas station run by a corrupt, autocratic regime.
– John McCain
Civic participation over a lifetime, working in neighborhoods and communities and service of all kinds – military and civilian, full-time and part-time, national and international – will strengthen America’s civic purpose.
– John McCain
I believe in evolution. But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also.
– John McCain
Our armed forces will fight for peace in Iraq, a peace built on more secure foundations than are found today in the Middle East. Even more important, they will fight for two human conditions of even greater value than peace: liberty and justice.
– John McCain
During one period while I was in solitary, I memorized the names of all 335 of the men who were then prisoners of war in North Vietnam. I can still remember them.
– John McCain
You raise taxes during an economic crisis time, as we did in – back in the time of Herbert Hoover, you send the country into a depression.
– John McCain
We all know spending levels for defense and other urgent priorities have been woefully inadequate for years. But we haven’t found the will to work together to adjust them.
– John McCain
I guess my view is I believe less governance is best governance and that government should not do what the free enterprise and private enterprise and indidividual entrepreneurship and the states can do.
– John McCain
Countries, not just their armies, win wars.
– John McCain
China is the one, the only one, that can control Kim Jong Un, this crazy, fat kid that’s running North Korea.
– John McCain
A strong E.U., a strong NATO, and a true strategic partnership between them is profoundly in our interest.
– John McCain
Frankly, I would never accept an award from Vladimir Putin because then you kind of give some credence and credibility to this butcher, this KGB agent, which is what he is.
– John McCain
I am frustrated and outraged by the slow nature of change at the VA.
– John McCain
I think that it’s important that we understand the importance of the Hispanic vote in America.
– John McCain
I admire the Islam. There’s a lot of good principles in it.
– John McCain