Josh Brolin quotes

February 12, 1968, Santa Monica, California, U.S.


I’m very happy to be involved with great filmmakers.
– Josh Brolin

Folks can believe what they like but eventually a man’s got to declare if he’s going to do what is right.
– Josh Brolin

It’s probably a bit of a power trip when you befriend somebody enough that they trust you to tell you things.
– Josh Brolin

Nothing misleads people like the truth.
– Josh Brolin

I got picked on a lot. I was a complete geek in school. I had braces. I didn’t have the hot girlfriend. I wasn’t ever sought after. I was a stocky, awkward kid who got laughed off the tennis court when I tried that.
– Josh Brolin

When I was in jail I could only think about what the average person has to go through – the person who has no power to go to the press or no money to hire a lawyer.
– Josh Brolin

It takes me 10 minutes to get ready to go out, and that includes the shower.
– Josh Brolin

I gotta make money – it all tends to disappear in this field.
– Josh Brolin

When accepting or preparing for a role, fear is the motivating factor.
– Josh Brolin

I have to tell you, you can’t have an ego when you’re an actor. A lot of actors have them, but in reality most of those people are just sensitive artists dying for a hug and a compliment.
– Josh Brolin

The only way change will ever happen is if we speak up, and we have to know that it actually has an impact. Because we have a lot more power than we think we do, I think.
– Josh Brolin

I only took a high school acting class because there was no other class I wanted to take. I loved it, but I was always against acting as a profession. I didn’t like the monetary fluctuations I saw.
– Josh Brolin

I used to go to Vegas and play the horses, and then I realised how ridiculous that was. There is no winning in gambling, but there is on the stock market.
– Josh Brolin

Suddenly, I’m in movies that people are excited about, and that is a nice change.
– Josh Brolin