Mahershala Ali quotes
February 16, 1974, Oakland, California, U.S.
Mahershala Ali is an American actor.
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Free State of Jones (2016)
Green Book (2018)
Moonlight (2016)
‘Mahershala’ is my nickname.
– Mahershala Ali
Understand that we are all co-creators of our respective destinies.
– Mahershala Ali
I wanted to take on my full name, which was sort of a crazy thing to do considering that we’re in Hollywood.
– Mahershala Ali
I was a sports kid.
– Mahershala Ali
I really love Tom Hardy. He makes really interesting choices.
– Mahershala Ali
I always hope to be a better person tomorrow than today.
– Mahershala Ali
I believe that everything has a shelf life.
– Mahershala Ali
You want entertainment in general, every aspect of it, to be more of a reflection of the diverse world that we live in.
– Mahershala Ali
Family are the people that can hurt you the most.
– Mahershala Ali
I think Don Cheadle has always done great work.
– Mahershala Ali
Who is that person that comes around and says, ‘You are OK, you are worthy, you are special?’ That makes all the difference in the world for many of us. Those are the people we appreciate the most.
– Mahershala Ali
The things that people won’t totally accept come in all shapes and sizes and forms, and I can relate to that in my own youth.
– Mahershala Ali
It’s about very talented writers, directors, producers, and actors being in a position for their projects to be supported, but there’s just not enough black projects being made.
– Mahershala Ali
People do bad things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have other colors or qualities.
– Mahershala Ali
I think selfishly, as an actor, we always want to do more.
– Mahershala Ali
My dream role is Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion.
– Mahershala Ali
Hollywood has to be a better reflection of the world we live in.
– Mahershala Ali
I have to say goodbye to things in order to take on bigger things that I’ve always wanted to do.
– Mahershala Ali
I found myself sort of becoming a character actor, though I don’t know if that would be my natural makeup.
– Mahershala Ali