Michael Keaton quotes
September 5, 1951, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Michael Keaton is an American actor.
Birdman (2014)
Dumbo (2019)
Spider-Man Homecoming (2017)
Spotlight (2015)
If you’re a dope like me, you get every sports channel you can get. I’m watching, you know, Netherlands soccer.
– Michael Keaton
Have I ever been to a party with a ton of famous people in it? Yes, several times, so I guess that’s a Hollywood lifestyle.
– Michael Keaton
People always make these generalized statements about Hollywood, and there’s all kinds of people in Hollywood.
– Michael Keaton
I really believed that Batman had the potential to be one of the coolest guys in cinema.
– Michael Keaton
No, I don’t see many movies. I don’t even see my own movies.
– Michael Keaton
I never wanted to play the short game.
– Michael Keaton
I’m getting more and more bored with professional sports, but I still watch.
– Michael Keaton
There is the theory… that you live in two places: You either live in fear, or you live in love.
– Michael Keaton
When I was in improv workshops or doing stand-up or writing comedy with others, or just doing comedy, I just laughed. Funny was funny; I loved to laugh. I always liked people I found generally funny.
– Michael Keaton
I think one reason I really like women and like working with women is because of my sisters.
– Michael Keaton
My brothers were tremendous shack builders. My shacks were horrible. My brothers once built a two-story shack from the ground up that was awesome!
– Michael Keaton
If you look at what I do, there’s no consistency. The consistency is that there is no consistency. I do projects that are good and not so good.
– Michael Keaton
To this day, I have the most fond memories of some of my old toys.
– Michael Keaton
Unpredictability means what it means. I don’t know how you define it. It is what it is.
– Michael Keaton
I took my play very seriously, and I got way, way lost in my play world.
– Michael Keaton
I have some tremendous, tremendously loving, generous friends all over the world.
– Michael Keaton
Sometimes I do movies that aren’t any good, or sometimes I might not be any good in them, or sometimes they don’t do very well.
– Michael Keaton
Technology, you know. I’m pretty horrible. I use it, but mostly I like to view it from afar. But I’m still fascinated by it.
– Michael Keaton
I don’t know how to not be outside since I was a little kid.
– Michael Keaton
There’re only a few photographers I’ve ever felt really comfortable with.
– Michael Keaton
My first day in grade school, I was plain scared. I left the comfort of my run-down house, which I loved, and went to school where it was cold, it smelled, the lighting was bad.
– Michael Keaton
Anesthesia is quite remarkable. It’s lost time. And you wake up kind of refreshed.
– Michael Keaton
I’ll always stand by the first ‘Batman’. Even for its imperfections, people will never know how hard that movie was to do. A lot of that still holds up.
– Michael Keaton
I’m in a business that invites narcissism, self-involvement, and egos being blown out of proportion.
– Michael Keaton
If I’m going to meditate, there is a little church up in Montecito, California. It’s an old Spanish mission, actually. I find it comforting in there.
– Michael Keaton
For years, I’d go to the movies and see guys doing Boston accents and think, ‘Oh please, God, I hope I never have to do that.’
– Michael Keaton
I like people-people rather than movie people.
– Michael Keaton
Anyone can be a celebrity now; this is not a big deal anymore.
– Michael Keaton
I try to not be or associate with elitists.
– Michael Keaton
I come from a background where you don’t really talk about yourself much.
– Michael Keaton
There are times when I consciously give the character something physical – a walk, the way he sits, how he talks, or his lack of physicality, which is like a physicality.
– Michael Keaton
I don’t think there’s anybody better than Leonardo DiCaprio, and I’ve been saying that since before anyone knew who he was.
– Michael Keaton
In the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple. ‘Work hard. Don’t quit. Be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful. Also, never whine, never complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor.’
– Michael Keaton
I saw ‘Wild,’ and I thought, ‘Wow, this is a lot of things, but one of the things is it’s a therapist’s dream and a climate-change denier’s nightmare.’
– Michael Keaton
Filmmaking is the ultimate team sport.
– Michael Keaton
I was never a huge 007 fan, but I sure liked Sean Connery. I’m sure Pierce Brosnan is good and has his moments, but I’ve not seen him; I’ve only seen bits and pieces on TV, so I can’t really judge. Pierce looks very natural in the role.
– Michael Keaton
I reached a point where I didn’t think I was that great. I’m not being humble. I was looking at things and thinking: ‘You’re not really good in that’. I think I was becoming boring as well as bored. It was nobody’s fault except mine – probably – and it might not even be my fault.
– Michael Keaton
I was an altar boy, which I loved and am very proud of. It was strict, but also really nice.
– Michael Keaton
I was a really involved dad – not because I’m such a wonderful person. I like being a dad.
– Michael Keaton