Napoleon Hill quotes

October 26, 1883 Pound, Virginia.

November 8, 1970.


Napoleon Hill was an American self-help author. He is known best for his book Think and Grow Rich (1937) which is among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time.

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
– Napoleon Hill

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
– Napoleon Hill

If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it, write it in the sand near the water’s edge.
– Napoleon Hill

Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
– Napoleon Hill

You give before you get.
– Napoleon Hill

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
– Napoleon Hill

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
– Napoleon Hill

Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.
– Napoleon Hill

Until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire, you will be neither successful nor happy.
– Napoleon Hill

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
– Napoleon Hill

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
– Napoleon Hill

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.
– Napoleon Hill

It is always your next move.
– Napoleon Hill

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.
– Napoleon Hill

Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.
– Napoleon Hill

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.
– Napoleon Hill

Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.
– Napoleon Hill

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.
– Napoleon Hill

The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.
– Napoleon Hill

The starting point of all achievement is desire.
– Napoleon Hill

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
– Napoleon Hill

Action is the real measure of intelligence.
– Napoleon Hill

If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.
– Napoleon Hill

The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.
– Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
– Napoleon Hill

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.
– Napoleon Hill

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
– Napoleon Hill