Peter O'Toole quotes

2 August 1932 Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

14 December 2013.


Peter O’Toole was a British actor. He achieved international recognition playing T. E. Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

I wouldn’t mind being a lord.
– Peter O’Toole

Omar Sharif and I spent nine months in the desert, day after day for nine months.
– Peter O’Toole

My plumbing is no one’s business but my own.
– Peter O’Toole

I tell my children to avoid theatre and go into cinema and TV.
– Peter O’Toole

The only exercise I take is walking behind the coffins of friends who took exercise.
– Peter O’Toole

I’m the most gregarious of men and love good company, but never less alone when alone.
– Peter O’Toole

Life turned out much better than I thought. I knew after a little while that I could act.
– Peter O’Toole

I’m not an actor, I’m a movie star.
– Peter O’Toole

I have no memories I’m prepared to share with you.
– Peter O’Toole

Right after I left drama school, I had a job.
– Peter O’Toole

It’s a razor’s edge, a romance with an old man and a young woman.
– Peter O’Toole

I quite like being old.
– Peter O’Toole

No one ever watched competitive swimming.
– Peter O’Toole

I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.
– Peter O’Toole

Every three or four years, I’m hot again.
– Peter O’Toole

I love working with the young.
– Peter O’Toole

No one should ever know where conduct ends and acting begins. Conduct unbecoming. That’s what acting is.
– Peter O’Toole

If you go to the West End theatres now, it’s a graveyard. Lots of musicals, they’re cheerful. But the plays? God almighty.
– Peter O’Toole

I became a professional cricket teacher about 20 years ago. I had a son born to me when I was 50, and I thought, he needs someone to bowl to him.
– Peter O’Toole

For me, life has either been a wake or a wedding.
– Peter O’Toole

I did quite enjoy the days when one went for a beer at one’s local in Paris and woke up in Corsica.
– Peter O’Toole

A rubber neck is a necessary part of equipment.
– Peter O’Toole

I take whatever good part comes along.
– Peter O’Toole

The common denominator of all my friends is that they’re dead.
– Peter O’Toole

It’s my job, it’s what I do, it’s what I’m on earth to do and it’s who I am.
– Peter O’Toole

Always a bridesmaid never a bride my foot!
– Peter O’Toole

If you can’t do something willingly and joyfully, then don’t do it.
– Peter O’Toole

I know nothing at all about women. They are an amazing, beautiful mystery.
– Peter O’Toole

I’m not from the working class. I’m from the criminal class.
– Peter O’Toole

There’s always a hunger, when you’re young, to go from peak to peak and avoid the valleys.
– Peter O’Toole

Nicest asses in the world, Ireland. Irish-women still are carrying water on their heads and carrying their husbands home from pubs, and such things are the greatest posture builders in the world.
– Peter O’Toole

Irish women are always carrying water on their heads, and always carrying their husbands home from pubs. Such things are the greatest posture-builders in the world.
– Peter O’Toole

I’m a working stiff, baby, just like everybody else.
– Peter O’Toole