Pythagoras quotes

c. 570 BC Samos.

c. 495 BC.

Philosopher, mathematician.

Pythagoras was an Greek philosopher and mathematician.

There are in woman’s eyes two sorts of tears,–the one of grief, the other of deceit.
– Pythagoras

Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.
– Pythagoras

Practice justice in word and deed, and do not get in the habit of acting thoughtlessly about anything.
– Pythagoras

In anger we should refrain both from speech and action.
– Pythagoras

As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom.
– Pythagoras

Number is the within of all things.
– Pythagoras

The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.
– Pythagoras

Government exists only for the good of the governed.
– Pythagoras

No man is free who cannot control himself.
– Pythagoras

Ability and necessity dwell near each other.
– Pythagoras

Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression. No man is free who cannot control himself.
– Pythagoras

There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.
– Pythagoras

Strength of mind rests in sobriety; for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion.
– Pythagoras

Anger begins with folly, and ends with repentance.
– Pythagoras

Number rules the universe.
– Pythagoras

Let no one persuade you by word or deed to do or say whatever is not best for you.
– Pythagoras

Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be; custom will soon render it easy and agreeable.
– Pythagoras

A thought is an idea in transit.
– Pythagoras

Begin thus from the first act, and proceed; and, in conclusion, at the ill which thou hast done, be troubled, and rejoice for the good.
– Pythagoras

Don’t try to cover your mistakes with false words. Rather, correct your mistakes with examination.
– Pythagoras

Beans have a soul.
– Pythagoras

He buries gold who hides the truth.
– Pythagoras

Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life.
– Pythagoras

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly.
– Pythagoras

The soul of man is divided into three parts, intelligence, reason, and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason by man alone.
– Pythagoras

No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself.
– Pythagoras

God built the universe on numbers.
– Pythagoras

Do not even think of doing what ought not to be done.
– Pythagoras

Above all things, reverence yourself.
– Pythagoras

Choose rather to be strong of soul than strong of body.
– Pythagoras

Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.
– Pythagoras

There is a good principle which created order, light, and man, and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness, and woman.
– Pythagoras

Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason.
– Pythagoras

Silence is better than unmeaning words.
– Pythagoras

If you have a wounded heart, touch it as little as you would an injured eye. There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience.
– Pythagoras

Lust weakens both body and mind.
– Pythagoras

Do not go to bed until you have gone over the day three times in your mind. What wrong did I do? What good did I accomplish? What did I forget to do?
– Pythagoras

A man is never as big as when he is on his knees to help a child.
– Pythagoras

Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.
– Pythagoras

Educate the children and it won’t be necessary to punish the men.
– Pythagoras

Better be mute, than dispute with the Ignorant.
– Pythagoras

Do not talk a little on many subjects, but much on a few.
– Pythagoras

Instruct thyself for time and patience favor all.
– Pythagoras

The most momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil.
– Pythagoras