Ridley Scott quotes

I am a science fiction enthusiast, really, deep down.
– Ridley Scott

Choosing location is integral to the film: in essence, another character.
– Ridley Scott

Anybody who does 90 takes has a problem.
– Ridley Scott

Conscience, the power of conscience, can unearth all kinds of things.
– Ridley Scott

I was always amazed about how much I could finally squeeze into a thirty second commercial.
– Ridley Scott

I unfortunately do suffer for my art.
– Ridley Scott

My career seems to be a career of non-specific subjects which are all over the place.
– Ridley Scott

The great film editor is not a cutter, he’s a storyteller, right?
– Ridley Scott

The best stories come out of the truth.
– Ridley Scott

Blade Runner‘ was a comic strip. It was a comic strip! It was a very dark comic strip. Comic metaphorically.
– Ridley Scott

I’m a very practical person.
– Ridley Scott

People have no idea how physically tough doing a film is.
– Ridley Scott

That’s part of the policy: To keep switching gears.
– Ridley Scott

The story of ‘Prometheus‘ is the idea that if you’re given a gift from the gods, do not abuse it, and do not think you can compete.
– Ridley Scott

Good FBI officers are not noticeable. You would never look at them.
– Ridley Scott

I knew exactly what to do on Alien, it was funny.
– Ridley Scott

I want a certificate that allows me to make as big a box office as possible.
– Ridley Scott

There are some moments that are pretty distressing in ‘Prometheus.’ In fact, the last hour is pretty distressing.
– Ridley Scott

Sometimes I find I’m wearing a divided, split brain in terms of drama and humor.
– Ridley Scott

What’s interesting to me about Moses isn’t the big stuff that everybody knows.
– Ridley Scott

Doing science fiction at a high level is tricky. It’s really tricky.
– Ridley Scott

If I have to, I’ll go and direct theater and talk till the cows come home.
– Ridley Scott

In science fiction, we’re always searching for new frontiers. We’re drawn to the unknown.
– Ridley Scott

Cast is everything.
– Ridley Scott

I don’t get attached to anything. I’m like a good antique dealer. I’m prepared to sell my most valuable table.
– Ridley Scott

In film, it’s very important to not allow yourself to get sentimental, which, being British, I try to avoid. People sometimes regard sentimentality as emotion. It is not. Sentimentality is unearned emotion.
– Ridley Scott

When you’re doing a big movie, you’re gone for 10 months to a year.
– Ridley Scott

Try writing a book, dude. That’s difficult.
– Ridley Scott

I tend to watch a lot of lower-budget movies to find out what’s doing down there and find out who’s coming up.
– Ridley Scott

Same thing with film, by the time you’ve finished shooting and you’ve really been into everything, you’ve touched up everything in the editing room. You’ve gone in there and taken little bits from everything.
– Ridley Scott

When I started the original ‘Alien,’ Ripley wasn’t a woman, it was a guy.
– Ridley Scott

Life isn’t black and white. It’s a million gray areas, don’t you find?
– Ridley Scott

I watched Someone to Watch Over Me the other night. I thought it was a really good movie. It’s a great movie.
– Ridley Scott

I think there’s nothing worse than inertia. You can be inert and study your navel, and gradually fall off the chair. I think the key is to keep flying.
– Ridley Scott

It’s hard writing screenplays.
– Ridley Scott

I’ve got a terrible knee from too much tennis.
– Ridley Scott

I love designing, and I still do it.
– Ridley Scott

I would make a film with a political point of view if I agreed with it, and even, perhaps, if I didn’t.
– Ridley Scott

I started late. I didn’t make my first movie until I was 40.
– Ridley Scott

A hit for me is if I enjoy the movie, if I personally enjoy the movie.
– Ridley Scott

Your landscape in a western is one of the most important characters the film has. The best westerns are about man against his own landscape.
– Ridley Scott

How can you look at the galaxy and not feel insignificant?
– Ridley Scott

The hardest single thing you do is get the bloody screenplay right.
– Ridley Scott

I used to agonise over what to do next, but now I’m making a movie a year. It’s insane, but it’s only a movie after all. You just hang in there, and occasionally you might make something which you can call art… briefly.
– Ridley Scott

I think, at the end of the day, filmmaking is a team, but eventually there’s got to be a captain.
– Ridley Scott

What you do, is you gradually become more and more experienced, and more and more realistic about dramatic tolerance, i.e. about how long the play should be.
– Ridley Scott

The key thing is you can be the only person, your own critic.
– Ridley Scott