Stella McCartney quotes

13 September 1971, Lambeth, London, England.

Fashion designer.

Stella McCartney is an English fashion designer.

I was brought up to understand that we are all here on planet earth together.
– Stella McCartney

I can honestly say this industry hasn’t made me neurotic about my looks, except maybe my weight. I hope my clothes kind of reflect that. They’re meant to make you feel good.
– Stella McCartney

I confess to being a frustrated musician.
– Stella McCartney

I like doing slightly masculine, Savile Row tailoring. A nice jacket. Wearable – it’s almost a dirty word in fashion, wearable, but that’s what I do.
– Stella McCartney

I love that you can have the language between the two worlds of technology and fashion, because I don’t think that many designers get to do that.
– Stella McCartney

Asia has always been a really exciting part of the world for me, personally. And it actually was the first part of the world that bought my brand, strangely enough.
– Stella McCartney

I did always say I wanted to infiltrate from within. That was always my reasoning behind going into partnership with a luxury group that uses a lot of leather in their products.
– Stella McCartney

It’s immoral that people make money out of writing crap, but I try not to obsess about it. I don’t want to spend my life being angry.
– Stella McCartney

My mum had a massive influence on me, not just in what she wore and how she looked, but in her spirit. She was married to one of the most famous men in the world, and she didn’t wear any makeup, ever. I mean, have you ever seen the wife of a man like that rock up with no makeup on? Because I haven’t since.
– Stella McCartney

People think I’m strong, but actually I wanted to crawl away. I thought, I’m going to live in the country with my horse and I’ll get a nine-to-five; I don’t need this.
– Stella McCartney

It’s not realistic to live in the country at this stage. I’ve got a business in London. I beat myself up about it all the time.
– Stella McCartney

I don’t know, maybe I’m overly paranoid that they’re going to be spoiled, but I want to keep them going as kids for as long as I can. I want to keep them innocent and free.
– Stella McCartney

We try to make earth-friendly decisions whenever we can, as it’s part of our brand DNA.
– Stella McCartney

Everyone can do simple things to make a difference, and every little bit really does count.
– Stella McCartney

I ride my bike, I work out, I do a bit of, er, dancey things.
– Stella McCartney

When I was about seven, I remember spending a lot of time in my parents’ wardrobe trying on their bespoke suits.
– Stella McCartney

Modern fake fur looks so much like real fur that the moment it leaves the atelier, no one can tell it’s not the real thing. And I’ve struggled with that.
– Stella McCartney

I’ve had people say to me, ‘You’ll never sell handbags. You don’t work with leather, and leather is luxury.’ To me, it’s the complete opposite: leather is everywhere – it’s so cheap a material; it’s so mass produced. Over 50 million animals a year are killed just for fashion. For me, it doesn’t have a luxury element to it.
– Stella McCartney

It’s important for us as a family to go and sit in the woods sometimes.
– Stella McCartney

Ninety percent of the people who come to my stores have no idea I don’t work with leather.
– Stella McCartney

My biggest surprises in my everyday job have to do with the challenges of trying to be slightly more responsible as a brand.
– Stella McCartney

When I say I don’t do fur or leather, in my world it’s a massive shock, but when it comes into the sporting arena, it goes without saying. It also influences what I do on the runway: I get really excited when I discover an environmentally-friendly print process that doesn’t use water, and I’ll try and mimic that in my ready-to-wear.
– Stella McCartney

Some days, I get overwhelmed and a bit breathless… I’ve probably cried at work, but I’m limited with my crying: I’m the boss; I’m not really allowed to cry at work.
– Stella McCartney

I’m incredibly sad that my mother’s not here to see my kids and that my kids don’t get to know her. And she didn’t meet my husband. That’s one of the hardest things. I don’t even know how to put that into words.
– Stella McCartney

When I first started, it was a dirty word to say you made clothes for people to wear… I was a little ashamed of it. You didn’t always feel you were this amazing creative force.
– Stella McCartney

If people stop liking my clothes, I’ll make a record.
– Stella McCartney

More than anything I want to be fit so I don’t get out of breath when I play football with the kids.
– Stella McCartney

I am a fashion designer. I’m not an environmentalist. When I get up in the morning, number one I’m a mother and a wife, and number two I design clothes. So the main thing I need to do is create, hopefully, exquisitely beautiful, desirable objects for my customer.
– Stella McCartney

There’s no excuse for fur in this day and age.
– Stella McCartney

When I was younger, I always assumed that when I grew up, I would be living in the country, and my kids would be going to a state school. But that’s not how things have turned out. I can’t see myself being able to leave London.
– Stella McCartney

I don’t plan massively in advance.
– Stella McCartney

You feel like everyone hates you if you’ve got a good life, now I feel maybe it’s allowed because I’ve had my share of sadness.
– Stella McCartney

I am very aware of my family name. I’m very aware of the legacy that that kind of carries with it. And I think that I didn’t want to lose any kind of hold of that. And I think once you’re born into something that you’re proud of and that you’re aware of, you don’t take it lightly.
– Stella McCartney

I personally love sportswear, and love using it in high fashion.
– Stella McCartney

When you find the person that you settle down with, I guess you mellow. They are taming you, aren’t they? Or you’re taming them.
– Stella McCartney

Mum was a big style icon for me: her natural sexiness and natural confidence.
– Stella McCartney

Growing up, I was always really inspired by Disney, and I had a great love of everything they created. My mum was huge fan, and she used to collect stills, and so they were all around the house, and we very much grew up on the early Disney films.
– Stella McCartney