Willem Dafoe quotes
July 22, 1955, Appleton, Wisconsin, U.S.
Willem Dafoe is an American actor.
I never act. I simply bring out the real animal that’s in me.
– Willem Dafoe
I don’t think people want to see me as a regular guy, besides, I’m a regular guy in real life. I guess I just want to be reckless in my work.
– Willem Dafoe
In order to inhabit a character, you’ve got to embrace and empathise with them.
– Willem Dafoe
Celebrity is okay as long as you know it’s not about you.
– Willem Dafoe
Corruption is something you face all the time. Avoid it.
– Willem Dafoe
Any actor who tells you that he makes choices, absolutely, is wrong. You find work and work finds you.
– Willem Dafoe
Casting people feel that they have to get someone who looks a certain way, and I think that the jury is still out whether people find me attractive or not.
– Willem Dafoe
With theatre, you have to be ready for anything.
– Willem Dafoe
It’s no fun for an actor to keep repeating what you did before. It’s always changing. I’m changing. The target keeps moving. That’s the beauty of it.
– Willem Dafoe
When you look back at your experiences, it’s true that sometimes the most horrendous experiences can translate into being your best work.
– Willem Dafoe
The director’s very important to me, particularly when the director has a recognizable style.
– Willem Dafoe
The worst thing is to get involved with people who aren’t passionate about what they’re doing.
– Willem Dafoe
Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to.
– Willem Dafoe
I am confident only when I am constantly in motion. Between projects, the doubt creeps in.
– Willem Dafoe
Weirdness is not my game. I’m just a square boy from Wisconsin.
– Willem Dafoe
You have to lose yourself to find yourself.
– Willem Dafoe
Turn off the sound in a movie, and if you can tell what’s going on, the movie should work.
– Willem Dafoe
The best thing an actor can be is ready. Be flexible, be ready.
– Willem Dafoe
There’s a real wisdom to not saying a thing.
– Willem Dafoe
I’ll never be able to really see a film that I’m in.
– Willem Dafoe
The worst thing is to get involved with people who aren’t passionate about what they’re doing.
– Willem Dafoe
I’ve never had any close male friends. The most important relationships in my life have always been with women.
– Willem Dafoe