A Simple Favor (2018) quotes
Paul Feig.
Anna Kendrick.
Blake Lively.
Henry Golding.
Stephanie is a single mother with a parenting vlog who befriends Emily, a secretive upper-class woman who has a child at the same elementary school. When Emily goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to investigate.
Whaddya want, Cupcakes?
– Librarian
You don’t want to be unable to be in Nicky’s life
– Stephanie
Well You certainly won’t be
– Emily
Okay. What do you know about her? How did she die?
– Diana Hyland
In a lake, on heroin.
– Stephanie Smothers
Well, you don’t believe that, or you wouldn’t be here.
– Diana Hyland
She didn’t ever mention Michigan, did she?
– Stephanie Smothers
That is the only thing that she ever left here. She said she had it since she was a kid. I warn you, you go poking around in her past, you’re going to find some shit that is terrifying. She was not a normal person like you or me.
– Diana Hyland
I’ve been on the run for ten years. You think I don’t know how to manipulate the system?
– Emily Nelson
So you’re going to kill us?
– Sean Townsend
Well, what the fuck else am I supposed to do? You two will clearly go to extraordinary lengths to take me down. And you know too much. So, I feel like a murder-suicide is the only fitting end for you two. And if you kill him, I think our insurance still covers that, right? I mean, it’s sort of perfect. One door closes and another one opens. Thank you for that.
– Emily Nelson
You always have been fucking crazy, haven’t you?
– Sean Townsend
Have I?
– Emily Nelson
Hi, moms. Stephanie here. I’m going to do something a little different today. I normally avoid any talk of religion on the vlog. I don’t want to offend any non-denominational moms, but I do think that we live on after we die. So, Emily, if you are out there, and you can hear me right now, no one could ever replace you. And you’ll always be Nicky’s mom. I can’t take your place. I can just try to love the people that you love and try to make their lives better. I think that’s what you would want.
– Stephanie Smothers
She never let me paint her face except for this one. I’ve never seen such a beautiful girl want to be so invisible or just completely vanish. But you know what, it takes money to vanish, and so she took everything that she could from me. You know how I would paint you? Beatific. Like, like a fucking saint.
– Diana Hyland
I get that a lot.
– Stephanie Smothers
You should embrace it. People love saints.
– Diana Hyland
Yeah. After they’re dead.
– Stephanie Smothers
I’m sorry! I’m not sorry. I’m still working on that.
– Stephanie Smothers
Do I just let him die? I mean, he deserved it, right?
– Stephanie Smothers
No, I killed her. I killed my sister.
– Emily Nelson
What? Sean? Sean?
– Stephanie Smothers
Get up. Show’s over. Come on. Seriously? Come on. Get the fuck up.
– Emily Nelson
Hey! You too, Brando. Get up!
– Emily Nelson
– Sean Townsend