Alice in Wonderland (2010) quotes
Tim Burton.
Mia Wasikowska.
Johnny Depp.
Helena Bonham Carter.
Nineteen-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen’s reign of terror.
I try to believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Count them, Alice. One, there are drinks that make you shrink. Two, there are foods that make you grow. Three, animals can talk. Four, cats can disappear. Five, there is a place called Underland. Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky.
– Alice Kingsley
Alice, you cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours, because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone.
– White Queen
Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
– Alice Kingsley
That is an excellent practice.
– The Mad Hatter
Your carriage, my lady.
– The Mad Hatter
A hat?
– Alice Kingsley
Of course. Anyone can go by horse or rail, but the absolute best way to travel is by hat. Have I made a rhyme?
– The Mad Hatter
Charles, you have lost your senses? This picture is impossible.
– Lord Ascot
Precisely. Gentlemen, the only way to achieve the impossible, is to believe it’s possible.
– Charles Kingsleigh
Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?
– The Mad Hatter
When that day comes I shall futterwacken… vigorously.
– The Mad Hatter
You used to be much more…”muchier.” You’ve lost your muchness.
– The Mad Hatter
This is impossible.
– Alice Kingsley
Only if you believe it is.
– The Mad Hatter
Who are you?
– Blue Caterpillar
– Alice Kingsley
You’re not Absolem. I’m Absolem. Stupid girl.
– Blue Caterpillar
So my old foe, we meet on the battlefield once again.
– Jabberwocky
We’ve never met.
– Alice Kingsley
Not you, insignificant bearer. My ancient enemy, the Vorpal one.
– Jabberwocky
Alright, that’s enough chatter.
– Alice Kingsley
Who’s to say what is “proper”? What if it was agreed that “proper” was wearing a codfish on your head? Would you wear it?
– Alice Kingsley
Down with the bloody Red Queen!
– The Mad Hatter
All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea.
– Cheshire Cat
You’re all late for tea!
– The March Hare
Do you think I’ve gone ’round the bend?
– Alice Kingsley
I’m afraid so… you’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head… but I’ll tell you a secret… all of the best people are.
– Charles Kingsleigh
You’re almost Alice.
– Blue Caterpillar
You could stay.
– The Mad Hatter
What an idea. What a mad, crazy, wonderful idea.
– Alice Kingsley
… But I can’t.
– Alice Kingsley
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I’ve been told where I must go and who I must be. I’ve been shrunk, stretched, scratched, and stuffed into a teapot. I’ve been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice but this is *my* dream. *I’ll* decide where it goes from here.
– Alice Kingsley
She’s slain my Jabber-baby-wocky?
– The Red Queen