American Psycho (2000) quotes
Mary Harron.
Christian Bale.
Justin Theroux.
Josh Lucas.
A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves deeper into his violent, hedonistic fantasies.
I have to return some videotapes.
– Patrick Bateman
I like to dissect girls. Did you know I’m utterly insane?
– Patrick Bateman
Ask me a question.
– Patrick Bateman
So, what do you do?
– Club Patron
I’m into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly.
– Patrick Bateman
Do you like it?
– Club Patron
Well, it depends. Why?
– Patrick Bateman
Well, most guys I know who are in Mergers and Acquisitions really don’t like it.
– Club Patron
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.
– Patrick Bateman
Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
– Patrick Bateman
They’re OK.
– Paul Allen
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
– Patrick Bateman
Hey Halberstram.
– Paul Allen
Yes, Allen?
– Patrick Bateman
Why are there copies of the style section all over the place, d-do you have a dog? A little chow or something?
– Paul Allen
No, Allen.
– Patrick Bateman
Is that a rain coat?
– Paul Allen
Yes it is! In ’87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is “Hip to be Square”, a song so catchy, most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it’s also a personal statement about the band itself.
– Patrick Bateman
Hey Paul!
– Patrick Bateman
– Patrick Bateman
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.
– Patrick Bateman
Howard, it’s Bateman, Patrick Bateman. You’re my lawyer so I think you should know: I’ve killed a lot of people. Some girls in the apartment uptown uh, some homeless people maybe 5 or 10 um an NYU girl I met in Central Park. I left her in a parking lot behind some donut shop. I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog last week. I killed another girl with a chainsaw, I had to, she almost got away and uh someone else there I can’t remember maybe a model, but she’s dead too. And Paul Allen. I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell’s Kitchen. I don’t want to leave anything out here. I guess I’ve killed maybe 20 people, maybe 40. I have tapes of a lot of it, uh some of the girls have seen the tapes. I even, um… I ate some of their brains, and I tried to cook a little. Tonight I, uh, I just had to kill a LOT of people. And I’m not sure I’m gonna get away with it this time. I guess I’ll uh, I mean, ah, I guess I’m a pretty uh, I mean I guess I’m a pretty sick guy. So, if you get back tomorrow, I may show up at Harry’s Bar, so you know, keep your eyes open.
– Patrick Bateman
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
– Patrick Bateman
I’m fucking serious. It’s fucking over, us, this is no joke. I don’t think we should see each other any more.
– Patrick Bateman
But your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. I really don’t think it would work. You have a little something…
– Evelyn Williams
I know that your friends are my friends and, uh… I’ve thought about that. You can have ’em.
– Patrick Bateman
What’s that?
– Jean
Duct tape. I need it for… taping something.
– Patrick Bateman
You’re a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.
– Patrick Bateman
Evelyn, I’m sorry. I just, uh… you’re not terribly important to me.
– Patrick Bateman
You’re inhuman.
– Evelyn Williams
No… I’m in touch with humanity.
– Patrick Bateman
I don’t want to get you drunk, but, ah, that’s a very fine Chardonnay you’re not drinking.
– Patrick Bateman
There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable… I simply am not there.
– Patrick Bateman
What does Mr. Grinch want for Christmas? And don’t say breast implants again.
– Evelyn Williams
Hey, I’m a child of divorce, gimme a break!
– Patrick Bateman
Would you like to hear today’s specials?
– Waiter
Not if you want to keep your spleen.
– Patrick Bateman
Stop it, I’m…
– Courtney Rawlinson
on a lot of lithium?
– Patrick Bateman
What are you so fucking zany about?
– David Van Patten
I’m just a happy camper! Rockin’ and a-rollin’!
– Patrick Bateman
Are you dating anyone?
– Jean
Maybe. I don’t know… Not really.
– Patrick Bateman