Armageddon (1998) quotes

Michael Bay.

Bruce Willis.
Billy Bob Thornton.
Ben Affleck.

After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth in less than a month, N.A.S.A. recruits a misfit team of deep core drillers to save the planet.

Just tell Grace that, uh, that I’ll always be with her. Okay? Can you do that?
– A.J.
Yeah. Okay, kid.
– Harry Stamper
Give this to Truman. Make sure Truman gets that! Get in there.
– Harry Stamper
It’s my turn now.
– Harry Stamper
Harry! Harry! You can’t do this to me! It’s my job!
– A.J.
You go take care of my little girl now. That’s your job. Always thought of you as a son. Always. But, I’d be damn proud to have you marry Grace.
– Harry Stamper
– A.J.
You take care of yourself.
– Harry Stamper
Harry, no!
– A.J.
I love you,pal.
– Harry Stamper
Harry, I love you! Don’t Harry! Wait a minute! Harry, no!
– A.J.
Goodbye son.
– Harry Stamper

It’s stuck, yes?
– Lev Andropov
Back off! You don’t know the components!
– Watts
Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!
– Lev Andropov

So what’s the verdict?
– Truman
They’ll do it. They’ve made a few requests though.
– Harry Stamper
Such as?
– Truman
Well, there’s uh, few things here, uh… nothin’ really big, uh, just- Well, as an example, uh, uh, Oscar here, he’s got some outstanding parking tickets. Wants them wiped off his record.
– Harry Stamper
Fifty-six tickets in seven states…
– Oscar
I’ll-I’ll tell ’em Oscar, you got it.
– Harry Stamper
– Oscar
Uh, Noonan’s got two women friends that he’d like to see made American citizens no questions asked. Max would like you to… bring back eight-track tapes. Not sure if that’s gonna work, but, uh, let’s see what else. Um, Chick wants a full week’s Emperor’s Package at Caesar’s Palace. Um – hey, you guys wouldn’t be able to tell us who actually killed Kennedy, would ya?
– Harry Stamper
Um, Bear would like to stay at the…
– Harry Stamper
“White horse”?
– Harry Stamper
White, *House*. White House.
– Bear
White House. Yeah, he’d like to stay in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House for the summer. Stuff like that.
– Harry Stamper
Sure, I think we can, uh, take care of… some of that.
– Truman
– Rockhound
Yeah one more thing, um… none of them wanna pay taxes again.
– Harry Stamper
– Harry Stamper

You know we’re sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn’t it?
– Rockhound

I know the president’s chief scientific advisor, we were at MIT together. And, in a situation like this, you-you really don’t wanna take the advice from a man who got a C- in astrophysics. The president’s advisors are, um… wrong… and I’m right.
– Ronald Quincy

Sir, I’m retired navy, I know all about classified. But one more thing. The person that finds her gets to name her right?
– Karl
Yes-yes that’s right, that’s right.
– Dan
I wanna name her Dottie after my wife. She’s a vicious life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape.
– Karl

Miss Stamper? Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Airforce, ma’am. Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I’ve ever met.
– Colonel William Sharp

– Grace Stamper
Hi Gracie Hi honey. Grace, I know I promised you I was coming home.
– Grace Stamper
I don’t under-understand.
– Grace Stamper
Looks like I’m going to have to break that promise.
– Harry Stamper
I lied to you too. When I told you I didn’t want to be like you. Because I am like you. Everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. I love you so much daddy. And I’m so proud of you, I’m so scared. I’m so scared.
– Grace Stamper
I know it baby. But there won’t be anything to be scared of soon. Gracie, I want you to know that AJ saved us. He did. I want you to tell Chick, that I couldn’t have done it without him. None of it. I want you to take care of AJ. And I wish I could be there to walk you down the aisle, but I’ll… I’ll look in on you from time to time, okay honey? I love you Grace.
– Harry Stamper
I love you too.
– Grace Stamper
Gotta go now honey.
– Harry Stamper
Daddy, no!
– Grace Stamper
No no dad no!
– Grace Stamper

AJ, I got just five words for you: Damn glad to see you boy!
– Harry Stamper
That’s six words.
– A.J.

Fail. Fail. Depressively fail! One toxicology analysis revealed ketamin, that is a very powerful sedative!
– Dr. Banks
Sedatives are used all the time, doctor.
– Harry
Well this one’s used on horses.
– Dr. Banks
Some of these guys are pretty big.
– Harry
You know, it would normally take 18 months to psychologically prepare pre-screened, viable subjects for space travel. We have seen evidence of a wide fariety of territorial aggression.
– Dr. Banks
Can they *physically* survive the trip? That’s all I need to know here, okay?
– Dan
Personally, I don’t know how they survived the tests.
– Dr. Banks

Harry, the clock on that nine-foot nuclear weapon is ticking.
– Chick

lt’s the size of Texas, Mr President.
– Dan
Dan, we didn’t see this thing coming?
– President
Well, our object collison budget’s a million dollars, that allows us to track about 3% of the sky, and beg’n your pardon sir, but it’s a big-ass sky.
– Dan
And the ones this morning?
– President
Uh, those are nothing. Uh, they’re the size of basketballs… and, uh, Volkswagens, things like that.
– Dan
Is this going to hit us?
– President
We’re obtaining that as we speak, sir.
– Dan
What kind of damage are we…
– President
Damage? Total, sir. It’s what we call a global killer. The end of mankind. Doesn’t matter where it hits. Nothing would survive, not even bacteria.
– Dan
My God. What do we do?
– President
We have 18 days before it hits Earth.
– NASA Techs

United States astronauts train for years. You have twelve days.
– Colonel William Sharp

Houston, you have a problem. You see, I promised my little girl that I’d be comin’ home. Now I don’t know what you people are doing down there, but we’ve got a hole to dig up here!
– Harry Stamper

Listen, Harry, A.J. is my choice – my choice and not yours.
– Grace Stamper
He’s the only one in your age bracket, Grace. It’s not a choice, it’s a lack of options.
– Harry Stamper

How long you work for me?
– Harry Stamper
Five wonderful years.
– A.J.
In five years you have *never* apologized to me this quickly. Something’s goin’ on here, I’m gonna find out what it is.
– Harry Stamper

Get off… the nuclear… warhead.
– Colonel William Sharp
I was doing that guy from that movie, you know, Slim Pickens, where he rides it all the way in, the nuclear warhead.
– Rockhound
– Colonel William Sharp
Oh, you didn’t see that one, huh?
– Rockhound

First time I got my period, Rock had to take me into Tai-Pei for Tampax. And then he had to show me how to use them, Harry.
– Grace Stamper
Ho-ho. I ju- No I-I told her how to use it. I didn’t show her, Harry.
– Rockhound

Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?
– A.J.
No, I never saw Star Wars.
– Lev Andropov

Just tryin’ to have some fun before I died!
– Rockhound

Just wanted to feel the power between my legs, brother.
– Rockhound

I’m stepping outside.
– Lev Andropov
You’re-you’re going outside?
– A.J.
I am the only certified astronaut. And I’m saving your American ass!
– Lev Andropov

What’s up, Harry? Did NASA find oil on Uranus, man?
– Bear

Tell me you never let anybody down.
– Dan
I never quit yet…
– Harry Stamper

Guess what guys, it’s time to embrace the horror! Look, we’ve got front row tickets to the end of the earth!
– Rockhound

What does that mean?
– Rockhound
It means we’ve got a busted ship.
– Colonel William Sharp
A busted ship? And I’m strapped in here? I had a great spot picked out there!
– Rockhound

We have a national security matter.
– F.B.I. Agent
Good for you.
– Rockhound

God, I hate knowing everything.
– Rockhound

Something’s wrong.
– Max
Yeah, it’s all wrong, man. We shouldn’t even be up here.
– Rockhound