Breakfast Club (1985) quotes

John Hughes.

Emilio Estevez.
Judd Nelson.
Molly Ringwald.

Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.

We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.
– Andrew

Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain…
– Brian Johnson
…and an athlete…
– Andrew Clark
…and a basket case…
– Allison Reynolds
…a princess…
– Claire Standish
…and a criminal…
– John Bender
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.
– Brian Johnson

What do you need a fake I.D. for?
– Andrew
So I can vote.
– Brian

Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a bitch. Retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk.
– John Bender
You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.
– John Bender
Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie.
– John Bender
No dad, what about you?
– John Bender
Fuck you.
– John Bender
No dad, what about you?
– John Bender
Fuck you.
– John Bender
Dad, what about you?
– John Bender
Fuck you!
– John Bender
Is that for real?
– Brian Johnson
You wanna come over sometime?
– John Bender

I taped Larry Lester’s buns together.
– Andrew
That was you?
– Brian Johnson
Yeah, you know him?
– Andrew
Yeah, I know him.
– Brian Johnson
Well, then you know how hairy he is. And when they pulled the tape off, most of his hair came off and some – some skin, too.
– Andrew
Oh my God.
– Claire Standish
And the bizarre thing is that I did it for my old man. I tortured this poor kid because I wanted him to think that I was cool. He’s always going off about how when he was in school and all the wild things he used to do. And I got the feeling that he was disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone, right? So I’m sitting in the locker room and I’m taping up my knee, and Larry’s undressing a couple lockers down from me. And he’s kinda, he’s kinda skinny. Weak. And I started thinkin’ about my father, and his attitude about, about weakness. And the next thing I knew, I jumped on top of him and started whaling on him. And my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. And afterwards, when I’m sitting in Vernon’s office, all I could think about was Larry’s father and Larry having to go home and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation – the fucking humiliation he must have felt. It must have been unreal. I mean, how… how do you apologize for something like that? There’s no way. It’s all because of me and my old man. God, I fucking hate him. He’s like this mindless machine that I can’t even relate to anymore.
– Andrew
‘Andrew! You’ve got to be number one! I won’t tolerate any losers in this family! Your intensity is for shit! Win! Win! Win!’ You son of a bitch. You know, sometimes I wish my knee would give. And I wouldn’t be able to wrestle anymore. And he could forget all about me.
– Andrew

Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.
– John Bender

I don’t have to run away and live in the street. I can run away and I can go to the ocean, I can go to the country, I can go to the mountains. I could go to Israel, Africa, Afghanistan.
– Allison Reynolds

You know, you look a lot better without all that black shit under your eyes.
– Claire
Hey, I like all that black shit… Why are you being so nice to me?
– Allison Reynolds
Because you’re letting me.
– Claire

Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.
– Claire Standish
Poor baby.
– Bender

Saturday, March 24, 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois, 60062. Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That’s the way we saw each other at 7:00 this morning. We were brainwashed.
– Brian Johnson

What if your home… what if your family… what if your *dope* was on fire?
– Richard Vernon
Impossible, sir. It’s in Johnson’s underwear.
– John Bender

Chicks cannot hold their smoke, dat’s what it is.
– Brian Johnson

Uh, Dick? Excuse me; Rich. Will milk be made available to us?
– John Bender
We’re extremely thirsty, sir.
– Andrew Clark
I have a really low tolerance for dehydration.
– Claire Standish
I’ve seen her dehydrate, sir. It’s pretty gross.
– Andrew Clark

Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we’ll all get up, it’ll be anarchy.
– John

– John Bender
Why? ‘Cause I’m telling the truth, that makes me a bitch?
– Claire Standish
NO. ‘Cause you know how shitty that is to do someone, and you don’t got the balls to stand up to your friends and tell them you’re gonna like who you wanna like.
– John Bender

Speak for yourself.
– Andrew
Do you think I’d speak for you? I don’t even know your language.
– Bender

Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?
– John Bender

Why’d you do that?
– Bender
‘Cause I knew you wouldn’t.
– Claire Standish
Were you truly disgusted with what I did with my lipstick?
– Claire Standish
The truth?
– Bender
– Claire Standish
– Bender

When you grow up, your heart dies.
– Allison Reynolds
So, who cares?
– John
I care.
– Allison Reynolds

You have problems.
– Allison Reynolds
Oh, I have problems?
– Andrew Clark
You do everything everyone tells you to do and that is a problem.
– Allison Reynolds

What happened to you?
– Andrew
Why? Claire did it… What’s wrong?
– Allison Reynolds
Nothing’s wrong… it’s just so different, you know? I can see your face.
– Andrew
Is that good or bad?
– Allison Reynolds
It’s good.
– Andrew

If I lose my temper you’re totaled, man.
– Andrew Clark
– John Bender
– Andrew Clark

You’re kind of sexy when you’re angry.
– Bender

Okay, fine, but I didn’t dump my purse out on the couch and invite everyone into my problems.
– Andrew Clark

Why do you have to insult everybody?
– Andrew
I’m being honest, asshole. I would expect you to know the difference.
– John Bender