Dead Man (1995) quotes

Jim Jarmusch.

Johnny Depp.
Gary Farmer.
Crispin Glover.

On the run after murdering a man, accountant William Blake encounters a strange Native American man named Nobody.

Every night and every morn, some to misery are born. Every morn and every night, some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to sweet delight; some are born to endless night.
– Nobody

The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow.
– Nobody

You William Blake?
– Marvin (Older Marshall)
Yes, I am. Do you know my poetry?
– William Blake

What is your name?
– William Blake
My name is Nobody.
– Nobody
Excuse me?
– William Blake
My name is Exaybachay. He Who Talks Loud, Saying Nothing.
– Nobody
He who talks… I thought you said your name was Nobody.
– William Blake
I preferred to be called Nobody.
– Nobody

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.
– William Blake

Watch it. It’s loaded.
– Thel Russell
Why do you have this?
– William Blake
Because this is America.
– Thel Russell

That weapon will replace your tongue. You will learn to speak through it. And your poetry will now be written with blood.
– Nobody

Who are you travelin’ with?
– Benmont Tench
Uhm… Nobody.
– William Blake

The vision of Christ that thou dost see, is my vision’s greatest enemy.
– Nobody

You were a poet and a painter, William Blake. But now, you’re a killer of white men.
– Nobody

Stupid fucking white man.
– Nobody

I was then taken east, in a cage. I was taken to Toronto. Then Philadelphia. And then to New York. And each time I arrived at another city, somehow the white men had moved all their people there ahead of me. Each new city contained the same white people as the last, and I could not understand how a whole city of people could be movedso quickly.
– Nobody

Things which are alike, in nature, grow to look alike.
– Nobody

I’ll tell you one thing for sure… I wouldn’t trust no words written down on no piece of paper, especially from no Dickinson out in the town of Machine… you’re just as likely to find your own grave.
– Train Fireman

You are being followed, William Blake.
– Nobody
Are you sure? How do you know?
– William Blake
Often the evil stench of white man precedes him.
– Nobody

What name were you given at birth, stupid white man?
– Nobody

Well Sally, I don’t give a pig’s ass what anybody says, I still say you make a hell of a pot of beans.
– Big George

What’s a Philistine?
– Big George
Well, it’s just a real dirty person.
– Sally

Did you kill the white man who killed you?
– Nobody
I’m not dead. Am I?
– William Blake