Finding Neverland (2004) quotes
Marc Forster.
The story of Sir J.M. Barrie’s friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan.
Young boys should never be sent to bed… they always wake up a day older.
– J.M. Barrie
Write about your family, Write about the talking Whale.
– J.M. Barrie
What Whale?
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
The one that is trapped in your imagination, desperate to get out.
– J.M. Barrie
You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there’s always someone who wants to destroy it.
– J.M. Barrie
It’s just, I thought she’d always be here.
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
So did I. But in fact, she is, because she’s on every page of your imagination. You’ll always have her there. Always.
– J.M. Barrie
But why did she have to die?
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
I don’t know, Peter. When I think of your mother, I will always remember how happy she looked, sitting there in the parlor watching a play about her family, about her boys that never grew up. She went to Neverland. And you can visit her any time you like if you just go there yourself.
– J.M. Barrie
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
By believing, Peter. Just believe.
– J.M. Barrie
Stop lying to me. I’m sick of grown-ups lying to me!
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
I suppose it’s like the ticking crocodile, isn’t it? Time is chasing after all of us, isn’t that right?
– Mrs. Snow
That… is Neverland.
– J.M. Barrie
Twenty-five seats, given to orphans. Perfect. Now my nightmare is complete.
– Charles Frohman
You needn’t steal my journal to get to know me, Mary.
– J.M. Barrie
No. I suppose I could just go see the plays.
– Mary Ansell Barrie
That scepter’s made of wood.
– Peter Llewelyn Davies
Yes, well, we do dream on a budget here, don’t we?
– J.M. Barrie
In punishment for lack of an interesting pirate name, Peter shall walk the plank.
– J.M. Barrie
My name be Nibs the Cutthroat, feared by man and greatly desired by the ladies.
– Jack Llewelyn Davies
– Sylvia Llewelyn Davies