Goodfellas (1990) quotes

Henry Hill and his friends work their way up through the mob hierarchy.

By the way, I took care of that thing for ya.
– Pete the Killer

Yeah, you were always fuckin’ late, you were late for your own fuckin’ funeral.
– Tommy DeVito

All right, so he got shot in the foot, what is it, a big fuckin’ deal?
– Tommy DeVito

Jimmy was the kind of guy that rooted for bad guys in the movies.
– Henry Hill

For a second I thought I was dead. But, when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops. Only cops talk that way. If they’d been wiseguys, I wouldn’t have heard a thing. I would’ve been dead.
– Henry Hill

And then there was Jimmy Two Times, who got that nickname because he said everything twice, like.
– Henry Hill
I’m gonna go get the papers, get the papers.
– Jimmy Two Times

Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Tommy?
– Spider
Whoa! Can’t believe what I just heard. Hey Spider, here. This is for you.
– Jimmy Conway
Attaboy! I got respect for this kid. He’s got a lot of fucking balls. Good for you! Don’t take no shit off nobody.
– Jimmy Conway

Look what this fucking mutt did to my shoes.
– Jimmy Conway

I’ll fuck him in his ass. I fucked kids like him in the can in the ass. Fuckin’ trying to break up my party.
– Billy Batts

I’m not mad, I’m proud of you. You took your first pinch like a man and you learn two great things in your life. Look at me, never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.
– Jimmy Conway

The fuck is that?
– Henry Hill

Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn’t have to move for anybody.
– Henry Hill

All they got from Paulie was protection from other guys looking to rip them off. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what the FBI can never understand – that what Paulie and the organization offer is protection for the kinds of guys who can’t go to the cops. They’re like the police department for wiseguys.
– Henry Hill

What am I, a mirage?
– Tommy DeVito

I swear to my fucking mother, if you touch her again, YOU’RE DEAD.
– Henry Hill

Give us a drink. And give some to those Irish hoodlums down there.
– Billy Batts
There’s only one Irishman in here.
– Jimmy Conway
On the house. Salud.
– Billy Batts
Top of the mornin’.
– Jimmy Conway

What do you do?
– Karen
I’m in construction.
– Henry Hill
They don’t feel like you’re in construction.
– Karen
Ah, I’m a union delegate.
– Henry Hill

Now take me to jail.
– Henry Hill

I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. But I didn’t. I got to admit the truth. It turned me on.
– Karen

Whenever we needed money, we’d rob the airport. To us, it was better than Citibank.
– Henry Hill

For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. To me that was better than being president of the United States. To be a gangster was to own the world.
– Henry Hill

What time is it?
– Stacks Edwards
It’s eleven thirty, we’re supposed to be there by nine.
– Tommy DeVito
Be ready in a minute.
– Stacks Edwards

We hit the deer and his paw… What do you call it? The paw.
– Tommy DeVito
The hoof.
– Jimmy Conway
It got caught in the grill. I got to hack it off.
– Tommy DeVito

Sure, mom, I settle down with a nice girl every night, then I’m free the next morning.
– Tommy DeVito