Isle of Dogs (2018) quotes
Wes Anderson.
Bryan Cranston.
Koyu Rankin.
Edward Norton.
Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy’s odyssey in search of his lost dog.
Will you help him, the little pilot?
– Nutmeg
Why should I?
– Chief
Because he’s a twelve year old boy, dogs love those.
– Nutmeg
I wish somebody spoke his language.
– Duke
Anyone in favor of kicking Chief out of the group and never speaking to him again?
– Rex
– Boss, Rex, King, Duke
I used to sleep on a lamb’s wool beanbag next to an electric space heater. That’s my territory, I’m an *indoor* dog.
– Rex
I starred in twenty-two consecutive Doggy Chow commercials. Look at me now, I couldn’t land an audition.
– King
I was the lead mascot for an undefeated high school baseball team. I lost all my spirit, I’m depressing.
– Boss
I only ask for what I’ve always had, a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year.
– Duke
You’re talking like a bunch of housebroken… pets.
– Chief
You don’t understand. Uh, how could you, I mean you’re a…
– Rex
Go ahead say it. I’m a stray, yeah.
– Chief
I used to sleep on a lamb’s wool beanbag next to an electric space heater. That’s my territory, I’m an *indoor* dog.
– Rex
I starred in twenty-two consecutive Doggy Chow commercials. Look at me now, I couldn’t land an audition.
– King
I was the lead mascot for an undefeated high school baseball team. I lost all my spirit, I’m depressing.
– Boss
I only ask for what I’ve always had, a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year.
– Duke
You’re talking like a bunch of housebroken… pets.
– Chief
You don’t understand. Uh, how could you, I mean you’re a…
– Rex
Go ahead say it. I’m a stray, yeah.
– Chief
Hmm, salty, rich flavor, supposed to be good for my teeth. This is my new favorite food.
– Chief
I was the guard dog for Mayor Kobayshi’s ward, but I love him, and…
– Spots
It may snow tonight.
– Oracle
Really? Thank you very much, wow.
– Boss
To whom it may concern.
– Oracle
She sees the future!
– Boss
Ha! No. She understands TV.
– King
We’ll find him. Where ever he is, if he’s alive, we’ll find your dog.
– Chief
You took me in, like a stray dog.
– Atari
I suppose if it worked, we’d be dead already.
– King
You’ll meet a bitch named Nutmeg. Tell her Chief says, “I’ll see you in Megasaki.”
– Chief
Don’t ask me to fetch that stick.
– Chief
That kid is gonna get us all put to sleep. Euthanized. We won’t find the dog, but we will die trying.
– Chief
Not a bad way to go.
– Rex