Jarhead (2005) quotes
Sam Mendes.
Jake Gyllenhaal.
Jamie Foxx.
Lucas Black.
A psychological study of operations desert shield and desert storm during the gulf war; through the eyes of a U.S marine sniper.
What the fuck are you even doing here?
– D.I. Fitch
Sir, I got lost on the way to college, sir.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
A story. A man fires a rifle for many years. and he goes to war. And afterwards he comes home, and he sees that whatever else he may do with his life – build a house, love a woman, change his son’s diaper – he will always remain a jarhead. And all the jarheads killing and dying, they will always be me. We are still in the desert.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
Fuck politics. We’re here. All the rest is bullshit.
– Troy
– All Marines
We’ve all been taught that; “Thou shalt not kill.” But hear this: FUCK-THAT-SHIT!
– Sgt. Siek
The Earth is bleeding.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
Hey, look! It’s a cock, but smaller!
– Fowler
I wanted the pink mist.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
You take what you know, and then you multiply. Please don’t use your dicks. They’re too small, and I can’t count that high. I don’t wanna hear, “400,000 inches.”
– Staff Sgt. Sykes
This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting and this is for fun.
– All Marines
This is censorship.
– Kruger
This is what?
– Sgt. Siek
Censorship. You’re telling us what we can and can’t say to the press. That’s un-American.
– Kruger
Yeah, what about freedom of speech? The Constitution?
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
No you signed a contract. You don’t have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a fuck.
– Sgt. Siek
Why that’s exactly what Saddam Hussein does. You’re treating us the same way.
– Kruger
You are a marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything that you say.
– Sgt. Siek
I told you to keep your fucking head down! If you’d listened to me, you’d still be fucking alive right now, stupid fuck!
– Sgt. Siek
Sir, the Drill Instructor looks fabulous in his uniform, sir!
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
Come back soon, now you hear!
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
Jesus, Joseph and doggy-style Mary!
– D.I. Fitch
We call this friendly fire, friendly fucking, or getting friendly fucked.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
What’s up with the make-up? I thought Texans were tough.
– Troy
I burn easily so fucking sue me.
– Kruger
– Dettman’s Wife
– Reporter
Look, I’m twenty years old and I was dumb enough to sign a contract. I can hear their fucking bombs already. I can hear their bombs and I’m fucking scared, yeah.
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford
What did he just say?
– Reporter
He said field fun.
– Sgt. Siek
– Troy
– Anthony ‘Swoff’ Swofford