Jojo Rabbit (2019) quotes
Taika Waititi.
Taika Waititi.
Thomasin McKenzie.
Scarlett Johansson.
A young boy in Hitler’s army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.
What did they do?
– Jojo Betzler
What they could.
– Rosie
Nothing makes sense anymore.
– Jojo Betzler
Yeah, I know, definitely not a good time to be a Nazi.
– Yorki
Where are all the goddamned knives?
– Rosie
I am going home to my mother. I need a cuddle.
– Yorki
You’re not a Nazi, Jojo. You’re a ten-year-old kid who likes dressing up in a funny uniform and wants to be part of a club.
– Elsa Korr
I said to draw where Jews live. This is just a stupid picture of my head.
– Jojo Betzler
Yeah, that’s where we live.
– Elsa Korr
Is it dangerous out there?
– Elsa Korr
– Jojo Betzler
I look stupid. People will stare.
– Jojo Betzler
Enjoy the attention, kid. Not everyone is lucky enough to look stupid.
– Rosie
I think you’ll find that metal is the strongest thing on the earth followed by dynamite and then muscles.
– Jojo Betzler
Well, if it isn’t Herr Handgrenade himself.
– Captain Klenzendorf
Let them say whatever they want. People used to say a lot of nasty things about me. “Oh, this guy’s a lunatic!” “Oh, look at that psycho! He’s gonna get us all killed!”
– Adolf Hitler
You know what I am. Say it. Say it!
– Elsa Korr
A Jew?
– Jojo Betzler
– Elsa Korr
I’m way too busy for a girlfriend.
– Jojo Betzler
One day you’ll make time. You’ll think of nothing else. You’ll meet someone, and spend your days, dreaming of the moments you can hold them in your arms again. That’s love.
– Elsa Korr
But… you know… she’s Jewish.
– Jojo Betzler
There are bigger things to worry about than Jews, Jojo. There’s Russians out there somewhere.
– Yorki