Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) quotes
Travis Knight.
Charlize Theron.
Art Parkinson.
Matthew McConaughey.
A young boy named Kubo must locate a magical suit of armour worn by his late father in order to defeat a vengeful spirit from the past.
I have a question. If I’m Beetle and you’re Monkey, why isn’t he called Boy?
– Beetle
Stealth is my middle name.
– Beetle
You don’t even have a first name.
– Monkey
Don’t mess with the Monkey!
– Monkey
I’m either a samurai or a really bad hoarder. Either way, inside my thorax beats the heart of a warrior.
– Beetle
If you must blink, do it now.
– Kubo
I know why you want my eye. Because without it, I can’t look into another and see their soul. Their love…
– Kubo
Everything you loved is GONE! Everything you knew has been TAKEN from you!
– Moon King
No… it’s in the memories. The most powerful kind of magic there is.
– Kubo
It makes us stronger than you’ll ever be. These are the memories of those we’ve have loved and lost. And if we hold their stories, deep in our hearts… then you will never take them away from us.
– Kubo
He looked into my eyes and uttered four simple words. These words changed everything… You are my quest.
– Monkey
You want to be human? Then share their weakness. Suffer their humiliation. Feel their pain!
– Moon King
I have a feeling this is my destiny.
– Beetle
No, it isn’t! We can’t trust anything you say, because *you* can’t trust anything you say.
– Monkey
Why does grandfather hate me?
– Kubo
Oh, Kubo. He doesn’t hate you. He wants to make you just like him. Blind to humanity as I once was. Only then can you take your place beside him as part of his family. Cold and hard and perfect.
– Monkey
Your magic is growing stronger. You need to learn control. But when we grow stronger the world grows more dangerous.
– Monkey
In recognizing his compassion, I recognized my own.
– Monkey
Kubo, we’ve been waiting for you for so long.
– The Sisters
Don’t you ever say anything encouraging?
– Kubo
I encourage you not to die.
– Monkey
I encourage you not to die.
– Kubo
Hello, mother. Father. I know my stories can tend to get a little… Mm, long… So I’ll keep this brief. I’m very grateful I’ve had the chance to meet you both, hear your wisdom, feel your kindness, even eat a meal sitting between you. This was a happy story. But, it could still be a whole lot happier. I don’t know exactly what the rules are, or how this works, but if there were any, way to… You know… I still need you. So I could say this has been a happy story, or I could feel it… We could all feel it. And then we could end this story – together.
– Kubo
The end.
– Kubo
The mighty Beetle is victorious!
– Beetle