Lost In America (1985) quotes

Albert Brooks.

Albert Brooks.
Julie Hagerty.
Sylvia Farrel.

A husband and wife in their 30s decide to quit their jobs, live as free spirits and cruise America in a Winnebago.

Shut up Brad! Your song stunk, I hate your suit and I could hurt you!
– David Howard

I’ve seen the future! And it’s a bald-headed man from New York!
– David Howard

Say it! Say it! Say “I lost the nest-egg.” Go on, say it!
– David Howard

You can’t come in here dressed like that.
– Casino Security Guard
I saw The Electric Horseman. An animal rode through here with lights on.
– David Howard

I lost a woman! A whole woman!
– David Howard

As the boldest experiment in advertising history, you give us our money back.
– David Howard
I beg your pardon?
– Desert Inn Casino Manager

Nice dam, huh? Do you want to go first, or should I?
– David Howard

Why didn’t you tell me when we got married that you were this horrible gambling addict? It’s like when you have a venereal disease – you tell somebody!
– David Howard
I’ve only gambled twice in my life. This was the second time.
– Linda Howard

That’s why I married her.
– David Howard
That’s why I hired her.
– Skippy

He’ll buy that boat from that stupid boat catalog he’s been making me look at for the last two months, and he will crash that boat off Catalina Island, and he will drown and die and seals will eat him.
– David Howard

You couldn’t change your life on a hundred thousand a year?
– Employment Agent

I’m insane and responsible. This is a potent combination.
– David Howard

Did you ever see “Easy Rider“?
– David Howard
No. But I saw “Easy Money.” Rodney Dangerfield, I like him.
– Employment Agent

You’re a nice guy, you make me laugh. But our policy is: we can’t give your money back.
– Desert Inn Casino Manager

Why don’t you spend $10,000? You could rent the Goodyear blimp, fly around and flash positive things!
– David Howard

I’m driving a whale here.
– David Howard

We’re in hell. We’ve entered hell! When?
– David Howard