Magnolia (1999) quotes
Paul Thomas Anderson.
Tom Cruise.
Jason Robards.
Julianne Moore.
An epic mosaic of interrelated characters in search of love, forgiveness, and meaning in the San Fernando Valley.
The book says, “We might be through with the past, but the past ain’t through with us.”
– Jimmy Gator
Come on, Frank. What are you doing?
– Gwenovier
What am I doing? I’m quietly judging you.
– Frank T.J. Mackey
I loved her so. And she knew what I did. She knew all the fucking stupid things I’d done. But the love… was stronger than anything you can think of. The goddamn regret. The goddamn regret! Oh, and I’ll die. Now I’ll die, and I’ll tell you what… the biggest regret of my life… I let my love go. What did I do? I’m sixty-five years old. And I’m ashamed. A million years ago… the fucking regret and guilt, these things, don’t ever let anyone ever say to you you shouldn’t regret anything. Don’t do that. Don’t! You regret what you fucking want! Use that. Use that. Use that regret for anything, any way you want. You can use it, OK? Oh, God. This is a long way to go with no punch. A little moral story, I say… Love. Love. Love. This fucking life… oh, it’s so fucking hard. So long. Life ain’t short, it’s long. It’s long, goddamn it. Goddamn. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? Phil. Phil, help me. What did I do?
– Earl Partridge
A lot of people think this is just a job that you go to. Take a lunch hour… job’s over. Something like that. But it’s a 24-hour deal. No two ways about it. And what most people don’t see… is just how hard it is to do the right thing. People think if I make a judgment call… that’s a judgment on them, but that is not what I do. And that’s not what should be done. I have to take everything… and play it as it lays. Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail. And that is a very tricky thing on my part… making that call. I mean, the law is the law. And heck if I’m gonna break it. You can forgive someone. Well, that’s the tough part. What can we forgive? Tough part of the job. Tough part of walking down the street.
– Jim Kurring
This happens. This is something that happens.
– Stanley Spector
We met upon the level, and we’re parting on the square.
– Burt Ramsey
When the sunshine don’t work, the good Lord bring the rain in.
– Dixon
Don’t go away, you fucking asshole, don’t go away. Don’t go away, you fucking asshole, don’t go away! Don’t go away you fucking asshole!
– Frank T.J. Mackey
Dad? You need to be nicer to me.
– Stanley Spector
I know I did a stupid thing. So stupid! Getting braces. I thought… I thought he would love me. Getting… braces! And for what? For something I don’t even… I don’t know where to put things, you know? I really do have love to give! I just don’t know where to put it!
– Quiz Kid Donnie Smith
It’s dangerous to confuse children with angels.
– Thurston Howell
Don’t ever let anyone ever say to you, ‘You shouldn’t regret anything.’ Don’t do that, don’t! You regret what you fucking want! And use that, use that, use that regret for anything, any way you want. You can use it, okay?
– Earl Partridge
Strong, strong stuff here. What exactly you have wrong, you need all this stuff?
– Young Pharmacy Kid
– Linda Partridge
What are you talking about?
– Young Pharmacy Kid
Who the fuck are you, who the fuck do you think you are? I come in here, you don’t know me, you don’t know who I am, what my life is, you have the balls, the indecency to ask me a question about my life?
– Linda Partridge
Please, lady, why don’t you calm down – ?
– Old Pharmacist
Fuck you, too. Don’t call me “lady”. I come in here, I give these things to you, you check, you make your phone calls, look suspicious, ask questions. I’m sick. I have sickness all around me and you fucking ask me about my life? “What’s wrong?” Have you seen death in your bed? In your house? Where’s your fucking decency? And then I’m asked fucking questions. What’s… wrong? You suck my dick. That’s what’s wrong. And you, you fucking call me “lady”? Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you.
– Linda Partridge
I can’t let this go. I can’t let you go. Now, you… you listen to me now. You’re a good person. You’re a good and beautiful person and I won’t let you walk out on me. And I won’t let you say those things – those things about how stupid you are and this and that. I won’t stand for that. You want to be with me… then you be with me. You see?
– Jim Kurring
Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail.
– Jim Kurring
– Earl Partridge
– Quiz Kid Donnie Smith
You seem the sort of person who confuses the two.
– Thurston Howell
That’s right. That’s the first time you’ve been right. I confuse the two and I don’t care.
– Quiz Kid Donnie Smith
– Frank T.J. Mackey
– Claudia Wilson Gator
It’s not going to stop / It’s not going to stop / ‘Til you wise up.
– Jim Kurring
You’re sure / There’s a cure / And you have finally found it.
– Jimmy Gator
You think / One drink / Will shrink you ’til you’re underground / And living down / But it’s not going to stop.
– Quiz Kid Donnie Smith
It’s not going to stop.
– Phil Parma
It’s not going to stop / ‘Til you wise up.
– Earl Partridge
Prepare a list for what you need / Before you sign away the deed / ‘Cause it’s not going to stop.
– Linda Partridge
It’s not going to stop / It’s not going to stop / ‘Til you wise up / No, it’s not going to stop / ‘Til you wise up / No, it’s not going to stop.
– Frank T.J. Mackey
So just… give up.
– Stanley Spector
– Claudia Wilson Gator
– Claudia Wilson Gator
– Earl Partridge
– Stanley Spector
I’m not sure, Stanley.
– Jimmy Gator
– Jim Kurring
– Frank T.J. Mackey
– Frank T.J. Mackey
– Quiz Kid Donnie Smith