Ocean's Eleven (2001) quotes

Steven Soderbergh.

George Clooney.
Brad Pitt.
Julia Roberts.

Danny Ocean and his eleven accomplices plan to rob three Las Vegas casinos simultaneously.

You scared?
– Rusty
You suicidal?
– Linus
Only in the morning.
– Rusty

Saul, are you sure you’re ready to do this?
– Danny
If you ever ask me that question again Daniel, you will not wake up the following morning.
– Saul
He’s ready.
– Danny

Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I’ll never forget it.
– Reuben
That was our pleasure.
– Danny
I’d never been to Belize.
– Rusty

You look down, they know you’re lying and up, they know you don’t know the truth. Don’t use seven words when four will do. Don’t shift your weight, look always at your mark but don’t stare, be specific but not memorable, be funny but don’t make him laugh. He’s got to like you then forget you the moment you’ve left his side. And for God’s sake, whatever you do, don’t, under any circumstances…
– Rusty
– Livingston
– Rusty
Come look at this?
– Livingston
– Rusty

You know what your problem is?
– Tess
I only have one?
– Danny

All right, you proved your point. You broke into my vault. Congratulations, you’re a dead man.
– Terry

There’s a ninety-five pound Chinese man with a hundred sixty million dollars behind this door.
– Danny
Let’s get him out.
– Linus
– Danny

I’m not sure what four nines does, but the ace, I think, is pretty high.
– Danny

They might as well call it whitejack!
– Frank

Tess is with Benedict now? She’s too tall for him!
– Saul

Where the fuck you been?
– Yen

Thirteen million and you drive this piece of shit cross country to pick me up?
– Danny
Blew it all on the suit.
– Rusty

I need the reason. Don’t say money. Why do this?
– Rusty
Why not do it?
– Danny
Because yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you’re cold-decking “Teen Beat” cover boys.
– Danny
Because the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes, the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, and then you take the house.
– Danny
Been practicing that speech, haven’t you?
– Rusty
Little bit. Did I rush it? Felt like I rushed it.
– Danny
No, it was good, I liked it. “Teen Beat” thing was harsh.
– Rusty

What? Did you guys get a group rate or something?
– Reuben

Ten says he shorts it.
– Turk Malloy
– Frank, Livingston, Saul

You gotta walk before you crawl.
– Danny
Reverse that.
– Rusty

Smash and grab job, huh?
– Linus
Slightly more complicated than that.
– Rusty
Well, yeah.
– Linus

Second task, power – on the night of the fight, we’re gonna throw the switch on Sin City. Basher, it’s your show.
– Danny
You want broke, blind, or bedlam?
– Basher
How about all three?
– Danny
Right, it’s done.
– Basher

Hit me.
– Shane West
It’s not blackjack.
– Rusty

We’ll need Saul.
– Danny
He won’t do it. He got out of the game a year ago.
– Rusty
Get religion?
– Danny
– Rusty
…You could ask him.
– Danny
Hey, I could ask him.
– Rusty

You of all people should know, Terry, in your hotel, there’s always someone watching.
– Tess