Paddington 2 (2017) quotes

Paul King.

Ben Whishaw.
Hugh Grant.
Hugh Bonneville.

Paddington, now happily settled with the Brown family and a popular member of the local community, picks up a series of odd jobs to buy the perfect present for his Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday, only for the gift to be stolen.

Aunt Lucy said, if we’re kind and polite the world will be right.
– Paddington

Exit bear, pursued by an actor – Ugh!
– Phoenix Buchanan

We don’t want him here.
– Mr. Curry
Of course you don’t. You never have! As soon as you set eyes on that bear you made up your mind about him. Well Paddington’s not like that. He looks for the good in all of us and somehow, he finds it! It’s why he makes friends wherever he goes. And it’s why Windsor Gardens is a happier place whenever he’s around. He wouldn’t hesitate if any of us needed help! So stand aside, Mr. Curry. ‘Cause we’re coming through.
– Henry Brown

What happened to the man I married? He’d have believed me.
– Mary Brown
Oh, him. He’s gone.
– Henry Brown

Have you ever been fired, Mr. Brown?
– Paddington
Well, no. But, er – Are you, you quite sure you’re ready for the workplace, Paddington?
– Henry Brown

I don’t do nothin’ for no one for nothin’.
– Knuckles McGinty

Would you excuse us a moment?
– Henry Brown
What are you doing?
– Henry Brown
Talking to the nice men.
– Mary Brown
Nice men? Mary, we can’t trust these people. I mean look at them! Talk about a rogues’ gallery. Hideous! And as for that bearded baboon in the middle, he’s hardly got two brain cells to rub together.
– Henry Brown
We can still hear you, Mr Brown. That was the light you turned off. The microphone is on the other side. It’s got “microphone” written on it.
– Knuckles McGinty

Open your minds, and your legs will follow.
– Chakrabatics Instructor

Attention all units: An unusually attractive nun is causing mayhem in the cathedral dome. Activate emergency protocol. Stop that stunning sister!
– Barry the Security Guard

Well I believe you, Mary.
– Mrs. Bird
Actors – are some of the most evil, devious people on the planet.
– Mrs. Bird
Are they?
– Mary Brown
They lie for a living.
– Mrs. Bird
– Mary Brown

Mysterious things have been happening all over town.
– Mary Brown
Oh yes?
– Phoenix Buchanan
Strange characters turning up at every landmark in that book.
– Mary Brown
Are they!
– Phoenix Buchanan

Paddington Brown. Ten years, for grand theft…
– Warden Walker
Oh! But I…
– Paddington
…and grievous barberly harm.
– Warden Walker

I want those petits fours now!
– Knuckles McGinty

But! I do have a little bit of good news that might turn your frown, upside down.
– Phoenix Buchanan
Oh yes?
– Mary Brown
It looks – fingers, fingers. Fingers – as though the funding may be coming through for my one-man show.
– Phoenix Buchanan
Oh. Right.
– Mary Brown
It’s an evening of monologue and song featuring some of my better-known characters. Would you like a little preview?
– Phoenix Buchanan

So – when can we expect to see Mr Buchanan back on stage?
– Jonathan Brown
Phoenix? Oh I wouldn’t hold your breath, darling.
– Felicity Fanshawe
No, no, no, don’t get me wrong! He’s a TERRIFIC actor. But there is a teensy little problem.
– Felicity Fanshawe
– Judy Brown
He won’t work with other people. Thinks they – “dilute” his talent.
– Felicity Fanshawe