Pans labyrint (2006) quotes
Guillermo del Toro.
Ivana Baquero.
Ariadna Gil.
Sergi López.
In the falangist Spain of 1944, the bookish young stepdaughter of a sadistic army officer escapes into an eerie but captivating fantasy world.
Tell my son the time that his father died. Tell him…
– Capitán Vidal
No. He won’t even know your name.
– Mercedes
You could have obeyed me!
– Capitán Vidal
But captain, to obey – just like that – for obedience’s sake… without questioning… That’s something only people like you do.
– Doctor
[first lines]
A long time ago, in the underground realm, where there are no lies or pain, there lived a Princess who dreamed of the human world. She dreamed of blue skies, soft breeze, and sunshine. One day, eluding her keepers, the Princess escaped. Once outside, the brightness blinded her and erased every trace of the past from her memory. She forgot who she was and where she came from. Her body suffered cold, sickness, and pain. Eventually, she died. However, her father, the King, always knew that the Princess’ soul would return, perhaps in another body, in another place, at another time. And he would wait for her, until he drew his last breath, until the world stopped turning..
– Pan
My name is Ofelia. Who are you?
– Ofelia
Me? I’ve had so many names. Old names that only the wind and the trees can pronounce. I am the mountain, the forest and the earth. I am… I am a faun. Your most humble servant, Your Highness.
– Pan
[last lines]
And it is said that the Princess returned to her father’s kingdom. That she reigned there with justice and a kind heart for many centuries. That she was loved by her people. And that she left behind small traces of her time on Earth, visible only to those who know where to look.
– Pan
Many, many years ago in a sad, faraway land, there was an enormous mountain made of rough, black stone. At sunset, on top of that mountain, a magic rose blossomed every night that made whoever plucked it immortal. But no one dared go near it because its thorns were full of poison. Men talked amongst themselves about their fear of death, and pain, but never about the promise of eternal life. And every day, the rose wilted, unable to bequeath its gift to anyone… forgotten and lost at the top of that cold, dark mountain, forever alone, until the end of time.
– Ofelia
You’re getting older, and you’ll see that life isn’t like your fairy tales. The world is a cruel place. And you’ll learn that, even if it hurts.
– Carmen
[throws the mandrake onto the fire]
No! No!
– Ofelia
Ofelia! Magic does not exist. Not for you, me or anyone else.
– Carmen
[to Vidal] I’m not some old man! Or a wounded prisoner! Motherfucker… Don’t you dare touch the girl. You won’t be the first pig I’ve gutted!
– Mercedes
Arise, my daughter. Come. You have spilled your own blood rather than the blood of an innocent. That was the final task and the most important.
– Rey
And you chose well, Your Highness.
– Pan
Come here with me, and sit by your father’s side.
– Carmen
I’ll make you a deal. If you can count to three without st-t-uttering you can go. Don’t look at him look at me. Above me there is no one. Garces!
– Capitán Vidal
Yes Captain?
– Garcés
If I say this asshole can leave would anybody here contradict me?
– Capitán Vidal
No one Captain. He can leave.
– Garcés
There you have it. Count to three.
– Capitán Vidal
– El Tarta
– Capitán Vidal
– El Tarta
Good – one more and you’re free.
– Garcés
– El Tarta
– Capitán Vidal
Quickly Your Majesty, give him to me. The full moon is high in the sky. We can open the portal.
– Pan
What is that in your hand?
– Ofelia
The portal will only open if we offer the blood of an innocent. Just a drop of blood: a pinprick, that’s all. It’s the final task.
– Pan
Hurry. You promised to obey me. Give me the boy!
– Pan
No! My brother stays with me.
– Ofelia
You would give up your sacred rights for a brat you barely know?
– Pan
Yes, I would.
– Ofelia
You would give up your throne for him? He who has caused you such misery, such humiliation?
– Pan
Yes, I would.
– Ofelia
As you wish, Your Highness.
– Pan
The moon will be full in three days. Your spirit shall forever remain among the humans. You shall age like them, you shall die like them, and all memory of you shall fade in time. And we’ll vanish along with it. You will never see us again.
– Pan
Just one more thing, Captain. What makes you so sure the baby is a male?
– Doctor
[smirks] Don’t fuck with me.
– Capitán Vidal
[to Mercedes] Have you seen my mother? She’s very beautiful.
– Ofelia