Patriot Games (1992) quotes
Phillip Noyce.
Harrison Ford.
Sean Bean.
Anne Archer.
When C.I.A. Analyst Jack Ryan interferes with an I.R.A. assassination, a renegade faction targets him and his family for revenge.
The people in those camps know probably better than we do exactly what time the satellite’s going to pass overhead. And Marty… unless you authorize us to retask those satellites so we can get a look before they’re overhead from the side, we are never gonna know which camp they’re at.
– Jack Ryan
Jack, do you have any idea how big a deal it is to retask those satellites?
– Marty Cantor
– Jack Ryan
It was him wasn’t it? He’s never gonna leave us alone.
– Cathy Ryan
He’ll never get that close to us again, honey. That’s why he calls in the middle of the night. It’s all he can do.
– Jack Ryan
You get him, Jack. I don’t care what you have to do. Just get him.
– Cathy Ryan
I want to know where Sean Miller and Kevin O’Donnell are.
– Jack Ryan
Let me try and understand this. You want me to sell out my fellow lrishmen to you? I don’t think you understand me at all.
– Paddy O’Neil
Oh, l think l do.
– Jack Ryan
Listen! l don’t give a damn what they’ve done. But the day l sell out my own people is the day l’ll put a bullet through my head.
– Paddy O’Neil
So, that’s it then?
– Jack Ryan
That’s it. You know on second thought maybe I won’t have a drink with you.
– Paddy O’Neil
Fine. I’ll go home.
– Jack Ryan
Have a nice trip.
– Paddy O’Neil
I’ll go home and call all the news stations! Invite them into my daughter’s hospital ward. Give them what they want!
– Jack Ryan
I don’t give a shit whether you did it or not. But if you don’t help me, I will put such a stranglehold on your gun money that your boys will be out in the streets throwing rocks! I will *fucking* destroy you! I will make it my mission in life!
– Jack Ryan
You tell O’Neil that you’re looking for a girl, he gives you the pictures of a girl. He obliges you to get you off his back. And you believe him?
– Marty Cantor
I didn’t tell him I was looking for a girl, Marty.
– Jack Ryan
How’s the family, Ryan? Nearly lost ’em, didn’t you? It’s easy to get at them. You should look after your family better, you know? Are you there?
– Sean Miller
– Jack Ryan
I understand your little girl’s feeling better, eh? Lost her spleen though, eh? Pity, that. Make it a mighty tough on her to fight off infection, eh Jacky?
– Sean Miller
You sick son of a bitch!
– Jack Ryan
I’m not after your job, Marty. I’m after the man who tried to kill my family.
– Jack Ryan
Ah, ye’re not gonna make me wear a rubber, are ye? Ye know, the church says wearin’ one o’ them’s a sin, darlin’.
– Jimmy O’Reardon
So’s this, darlin’!
– Annette Bearer
Attention to orders. I have a presentation to make. For service above and beyond the call of duty of a tourist, or even a Marine, we recognize Professor John Patrick Ryan, with the Order of the Purple Target.
– Robby
And hope that he will duck next time, lest he become part of history, rather than a teacher of it.
– Robby
But what Ryan done can’t be undone. So you should stop thinking about it.
– Kevin O’Donnell
I can’t.
– Sean Miller
Excuse me, Jack, tell me one thing in life that is absolutely for certain.
– Admiral Greer
My daughter’s love.
– Jack Ryan
Paddy O’Neil can sleep at night. In fact, he probably enjoys the irony. She’s not Irish; she’s English.
– Jack Ryan
I am telling you I want back in!
– Jack Ryan
Bring up Camp Eighteen again. Tighten on the camp here.
– Jack Ryan
Inspector Robert Highland, we meet at last. Tell me, what do they pay you to turn against your own people?
– Kevin O’Donnell
Get on with it and be on your way.
– Inspector Highland
Very well, if that’s the way you feel about it.
– Kevin O’Donnell
Let’s do it.
– Sean Miller
So, you just waded on in like John Wayne. Why’d you do it? What were you thinking, man?
– Robby
I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking.
– Jack Ryan
That’s it? You sound like some of my students.
– Robby
It just pissed me off. I couldn’t just stand there and watch him shoot those people right in front of me. It was… rage. Pure rage… Just made me mad.
– Jack Ryan
Here’s hoping you never get mad at me, man.
– Robby
This won’t be like anything you’ve ever done before, little brother.
– Sean Miller
There’s daddy!
– Cathy Ryan
It’s over.
– Admiral Greer
I saw his wife and daughter die, but she and Neddy blew it. Ryan’s still alive.
– Sean Miller
They’re not dead, Sean.
– Kevin O’Donnell
– Sean Miller
They survived it. I can’t say it any plainer than that. It doesn’t matter. Your trip served its purpose.
– Kevin O’Donnell
It *does* matter!
– Sean Miller
When the IRA carry out any form of campaign, they admit to it. Common sense, logic…
– Paddy O’Neil