Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) quotes
Gore Verbinski.
Johnny Depp.
Orlando Bloom.
Keira Knightley.
Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle.
What are you doin’?
– Barbossa
What are *you* doin’?
– Jack Sparrow
No, what *are* you doin’?
– Barbossa
What are *you* doin’?
– Jack Sparrow
*No!* What *are* you doin’?
– Barbossa
What are *you* doin’? Captain gives orders on the ship.
– Jack Sparrow
The captain of the ship *is* givin’ orders.
– Barbossa
My ship, makes me captain.
– Jack Sparrow
They be my charts!
– Barbossa
Well, that makes you.
– Jack Sparrow
– Jack Sparrow
Stow it! Both of you! That’s an order! Understand?
– Pintel
Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I’d throw my name in for consideration, sorry.
– Pintel
I’d vote for you.
– Ragetti
It’s always belonged to you. Will you keep it safe?
– Will Turner
You will listen to me! LISTEN! The other ships will still be looking to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead, and what will they see? Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship? No, no they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see, they will see the flash of our cannons, and they will hear the ringing of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs and the courage in our hearts! Gentlemen, hoist the colors!
– Elizabeth Swann
There’s not been a gatherin’ like this in our lifetime.
– Barbossa
And I owe them all money…
– Jack Sparrow
I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots and no more patience to pretend otherwise. Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.
– Jack Sparrow
Jack! The world needs you back something fierce!
– Gibbs
Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones, he controls the Flying Dutchman.
– Will Turner
He’s taking over the sea!
– Elizabeth Swann
The song has already been sung! The brethren court is called!
– Tia Dalma
I leave you people alone for just a minute and look what happens, everything’s gone to pot!
– Jack Sparrow
Shoot him!
– Captain Ammand
Cut out his tongue!
– Captain Jocard
Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! And trim that scraggly beard!
– Jack Sparrow
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
– Jack Sparrow
Dying is the day worth living for.
– Barbossa
We must fight… to run away!
– Jack Sparrow
Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.
– Jack Sparrow
Still thinkin’ of running, Jack? Think you can outrun the world? You know the problem with being the last of anything, by and by there be none left at all.
– Barbossa
Sometimes things come back mate. We’re livin’ proof, you and me.
– Jack Sparrow
Aye, but that’s a gamble of long odds, ain’t it? There’s never a guarantee of comin’ back. But passin’ on, that’s dead certain.
– Barbossa
Summoning the brethren court then, is it?
– Jack Sparrow
It’s our only hope, lad.
– Barbossa
That’s a sad commentary in and of itself.
– Jack Sparrow
The world used to be a bigger place.
– Barbossa
World’s still the same. There’s just less in it.
– Jack Sparrow
Keep a weather eye on the horizon.
– Will Turner
I’m losing her, Jack. Every step I make for my father is a step away from Elizabeth.
– Will Turner
Mate, if you choose to lock your heart away you’ll lose it for certain.
– Jack Sparrow
Cuttlefish. Eh? Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish… flipping glorious little sausages. Pen them up together, and they will devour each other without a second thought… Human nature, in’it? Ooor… fish nature… So yes… we could hold up here, well-provisioned and well-armed, and half of us would be dead within the month! Which seems grim to me any way you slice it! Or… ahh… as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful… I rather doubt it. Can we, in fact, pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury Hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth… Captain Swann. We must fight.
– Jack Sparrow
You’re in my way, boy.
– Captain Teague
Do you fear death?
– Davy Jones
You have no idea.
– Jack Sparrow
What? You’ve seen it all, done it all. Survived. That’s the trick isn’t it? To survive?
– Jack Sparrow
It’s not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is still living with yourself forever.
– Captain Teague
Well, slap me thrice and hand me to me mama!
– Gibbs
Now we’re being followed by rocks. Never had that one before.
– Jack Sparrow