Skyfall (2012) quotes

Sam Mendes.

Daniel Craig.
Javier Bardem.
Naomie Harris.

Bond’s loyalty to M is tested when her past comes back to haunt her. When MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.

The whole office goes up in smoke and that bloody thing survives.
– James Bond
Your interior decorating tips have always been appreciated, 007.
– M

Some men are coming to kill us. We’re going to kill them first.
– James Bond

It always makes me feel a bit melancholy. Grand old war ship. being ignominiously haunted away to scrap… The inevitability of time, don’t you think? What do you see?
– Q
A bloody big ship. Excuse me.
– James Bond
007. I’m your new Quartermaster.
– Q
You must be joking.
– James Bond
Why, because I’m not wearing a lab coat?
– Q
Because you still have spots.
– James Bond
My complexion is hardly relevant.
– Q
Your competence is.
– James Bond
Age is no guarantee of efficiency.
– Q
And youth is no guarantee of innovation.
– James Bond
Well, I’ll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field.
– Q
Oh, so why do you need me?
– James Bond
Every now and then a trigger has to be pulled.
– Q
Or not pulled. It’s hard to know which in your pajamas. Q.
– James Bond
– Q

It won’t open.
– James Bond
Of course it will, put your back into it.
– Q
Why don’t you come down here and put your back into it?
– James Bond

I fucked this up, didn’t I?
– M
No. You did your job.
– James Bond

Are you hurt?
– James Bond
Only my pride is hurt.
– M

What a waste of good scotch.
– James Bond

So this is it. We’re both played out.
– James Bond
Well, if you believe that, why did you come back?
– M
Good question.
– James Bond
Because we’re under attack. And you know we need you.
– M
Well, I’m here.
– James Bond
You’ll have to be debriefed and declared fit for active service. You can only return to duty when you’ve passed the tests, so take them seriously. And a shower might be in order.
– M
I’ll go home and change.
– James Bond
Oh, we’ve sold your flat, put your things into storage. Standard procedure on the death of an unmarried employee with no next of kin. You should have called.
– M
I’ll find a hotel.
– James Bond
Well, you’re bloody well not sleeping here.
– M

I read your obituary of me.
– James Bond
– M
– James Bond
Yeah, I knew you’d hate it. I did call you “an exemplar of British fortitude”.
– M
That bit was all right.
– James Bond

Oh good, here comes a train.
– James Bond

Chairman, Ministers, today I’ve repeatedly heard how irrelevant my department has become. “Why do we need agents, the 00 section? Isn’t it all rather quaint?” Well, I suppose I see a different world than you do and the truth is that what I see frightens me. I’m frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. They do not exist on a map. They’re not nations, they’re individuals. And look around you. Who do you fear? Can you see a face, a uniform, a flag? No! Our world is not more transparent now, it’s more opaque! It’s in the shadows. That’s where we must do battle. So before you declare us irrelevant, ask yourselves, how safe do you feel? Just one more thing to say, my late husband was a great lover of poetry, and, em, I suppose some of it sunk in, despite my best intentions. And here today, I remember this, I think, from Tennyson: “We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and *not* to yield.”
– M

Do you see what comes of all this running around, Mr. Bond? All this jumping and fighting, it’s exhausting! Relax. You need to relax… Ah well, mother’s calling. I will give her a good-bye kiss for you.
– Raoul Silva

A gun and a radio. It’s not exactly Christmas, is it?
– James Bond
Were you expecting an exploding pen? We don’t really go in for that anymore.
– Q

Hello, James. Welcome. Do you like the island? My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of. You could walk around it in an hour, but still it was, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They’d come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait and the rats would come for the coconut and… they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you have trapped all the rats, but what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it and they begin to get hungry. And one by one…
– Raoul Silva
They start eating each other until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees, but now they don’t eat coconut anymore. Now, they only eat rat. You have changed their nature. The two survivors. This is what she made us.
– Raoul Silva

Is this where you grew up?
– M
– James Bond
How old were you when they died?
– M
You know the answer to that. You know the whole story.
– James Bond
Orphans always make the best recruits.
– M

I’m guessing this is not official.
– Q
Not even remotely.
– James Bond
So much for my promising career in espionage.
– Q

I think she was encouraging you to take a desk job.
– Eve
Just the opposite.
– James Bond