The Fisher King (1991) quotes
Terry Gilliam.
Jeff Bridges.
Robin Williams.
Adam Bryant.
A former radio DJ, suicidally despondent because of a terrible mistake he made, finds redemption in helping a deranged homeless man who was an unwitting victim of that mistake.
There’s three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer.
– Parry
It’s important to think. It’s what separates us from lentils.
– Jack Lucas
I don’t mean to be flippant or to enrage you or anything, but you’re a psychotic man.
– Jack Lucas
I know.
– Parry
A very nice psychotic man.
– Jack Lucas
Thank you.
– Parry
Jack, I may be going out on a limb here, but you don’t seem like a happy camper.
– Parry
Did you ever hear the story of the Fisher King?
– Parry
– Jack Lucas
It begins with the King as a boy, having to spend the night alone in the forest to prove his courage so he can become King. Now while he’s spending the night alone he’s visited by a sacred vision. Out of the fire appears the Holy Grail, symbol of God’s divine grace. And a voice said to the boy, “You shall be keeper of the Grail so that it may heal the hearts of men.” But the boy was blinded by greater visions of a life filled with power and glory and beauty. And in this state of radical amazement he felt for a brief moment not like a boy, but invincible, like God, so he reached into the fire to take the Grail, and the Grail vanished, leaving him with his hand in the fire to be terribly wounded. Now as this boy grew older, his wound grew deeper. Until one day, life for him lost its reason. He had no faith in any man, not even himself. He couldn’t love or feel loved. He was sick with experience. He began to die. One day a fool wandered into the castle and found the King alone. And being a fool, he was simple minded, he didn’t see a King. He only saw a man alone and in pain. And he asked the King, “What ails you friend?” The King replied, “I’m thirsty. I need some water to cool my throat”. So the fool took a cup from beside his bed, filled it with water and handed it to the King. As the King began to drink, he realized his wound was healed. He looked in his hands and there was the Holy Grail, that which he sought all of his life. And he turned to the fool and said with amazement, “How can you find that which my brightest and bravest could not?” And the fool replied, “I don’t know. I only knew that you were thirsty.”
– Parry
Did you lose your mind all at once, or was it a slow, gradual process?
– Jack Lucas
I wish there was some way I could just pay the fine and go home.
– Jack Lucas
What do you think of the death penalty?
– Parry
Death is definitely a penalty! It ain’t no fuckin’ gift!
– John the bum
Where would King Arthur be without Guinevere?
– Jack Lucas
Happily married, probably.
– Parry
Well, that’s a bad… that’s a bad example.
– Jack Lucas
I have never been through a dating period.
– Lydia
It’s a disgusting process. You haven’t missed a thing.
– Anne Napolitano
I’m a knight on a special quest. And I need help.
– Parry
Do you know what the Holy Grail is?
– Jack Lucas
Holy Grail? Yeah, I know that one. That was like Jesus’ juice glass.
– Anne Napolitano
I was attacked, two kids tried to set me on fire.
– Jack Lucas
Didn’t you say that what you liked about our relationship is that we didn’t have to think? We could just be there for each other.
– Anne Napolitano
Suicidal paranoiacs’ll say anything to get laid.
– Jack Lucas
I’ve been dating longer than I’ve been driving!
– Anne Napolitano
I’m surprised some man just doesn’t come in here and snatch you up all for themselves.
– Parry
*You’re* surprised?
– Anne Napolitano
You have a great set of… dishes.
– Parry
Jack, he’s trying to start a con-vuh-sation…
– Anne Napolitano
Then talk to him, he won’t bite you.
– Jack Lucas
You a faggot, too?
– First Punk
Faggot? No, but I do believe in fairies!
– Parry
When I talked to him, I could smell how much they want you. I could smell it over the phone.
– Lou Rosen
C’mon, Jack, what do you think the Crusades were? A Pope’s publicity stunt?
– Parry
Jack, love of my life, you hate people.
– Anne Napolitano
Have another one, Jack. It’s on the house… just like everything else.
– Anne Napolitano
Bums! I don’t have any change.
– Lou Rosen
I’m not opening this window. A couple of quarters isn’t gonna make any difference anyway.
– Jack Lucas