The Fugitive (1993) quotes
Andrew Davis.
Harrison Ford.
Tommy Lee Jones.
Sela Ward.
Dr. Richard Kimble, unjustly accused of murdering his wife, must find the real killer while being the target of a nationwide manhunt lead by a seasoned US Marshall.
I didn’t kill my wife!
– Dr. Richard Kimble
I don’t care!
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Newman, what are you doing?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
I’m thinking.
– Newman
Well, think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, while you’re thinking.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Alright, listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average foot speed over uneven ground barring injuries is 4 miles-per-hour. That gives us a radius of six miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive’s name is Dr. Richard Kimble. Go get him.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
I thought you didn’t care?
– Dr. Richard Kimble
I don’t.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Don’t tell anybody, okay?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Sam, there’s a guy on the phone claiming to be Richard Kimble.
– Gerard’s secretary
This is Gerard.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Do you remember what I told you in the tunnel?
– Dr. Richard Kimble
Um yeah… It was noisy… I think you said something like you didn’t kill your wife.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Remember what you told me?
– Dr. Richard Kimble
I remember you pointing my gun at me.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
You said, “I don’t care.”
– Dr. Richard Kimble
He’s on the south side.
– Tracing Technician
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Yeah… that’s right Richard… I don’t care. I’m not trying to solve a puzzle here…
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Well, I am trying to solve a puzzle.
– Dr. Richard Kimble
Five seconds to location.
– Cosmo Renfro
And I just found a big piece!
– Dr. Richard Kimble
How’s the boy doing?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
He saved his life.
– Dr. Anne Eastman
If they can dye the river green today, why can’t they dye it blue the other 364 days of the year?
– Marshal Biggs
How’d you lose that arm?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
In the line of duty.
– Sykes
Oh. Wow. Gee Whiz. Looky here. You know we’re always fascinated when we find leg irons with no legs in them. Who held the keys sir?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
– Old Guard
Where those keys at?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
I don’t know.
– Old Guard
Care to revise your statement, sir?
– Poole
– Old Guard
Do you want to change you bullshit story, sir?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
He might have got out.
– Old Guard
Give it up. It’s time to stop running.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
When I die, I wanna come back just like you.
– Cosmo Renfro
Oh, you mean happy and handsome?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Henry, Dr. Nichols lied to me. Go find him.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Sam, are you out of your mind? He’s dead.
– Marshal Biggs
That ought to make him easier to catch.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
This is hinky, this guy’s a college graduate, he went to medical school, he’s not gonna come through all the security, go to the county lockup, to find someone his one people say does not exist. Hinky.
– Marshal Biggs
Well, what does that mean Biggs, ‘hinky’?
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
I don’t know. Strange.
– Marshal Biggs
– Marshal Henry
Well, why don’t you say strange or weird? I mean hinky, that has no meaning.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Well, we say hinky.
– Marshal Biggs
I don’t want you guys using words around me that have no meaning. I’m taking the stairs and walking.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
How about ‘bullshit?’ How about ‘bullshit’, Sam?
– Marshal Biggs
Okay boys, gather around here and listen up. We’re shuttin’ it down, Wyatt Earp’s here to mop up.
– Sheriff Rawlins
That’s funny. “Wyatt Earp.”
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Tell the attending he’s got a puncture in the epigastric area.
– Dr. Richard Kimble
How the hell could he tell that by looking at his face?
– Paramedic
I knew that was an elevated train.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
Oh yeah big dog, you’re never wrong.
– Marshal Biggs
I don’t want to tell you how to do your job…
– Head Illinois State Trooper
Put the helicopter on the bridge!
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
…but only one man in a million can survive that fall. The guy is fish food.
– Head Illinois State Trooper
Fine. Go get a cane pole, catch the fish that ate him.
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard
What ever happened with that thing about your wife?
– Bones
It’s not over yet.
– Dr. Richard Kimble
Look on your maps if you wanna know how to get there!
– Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard