The Insider (1999) quotes

A research chemist comes under personal and professional attack when he decides to appear in a 60 Minutes exposé on Big Tobacco.


And do you wish you hadn’t come forward? Do you wish you hadn’t blown the whistle?
– Mike Wallace
There are times when I wish I hadn’t done it. There are times when I feel com… compelled to do it. If you asked me, would I do it again, do I think it’s worth it? Yeah I think its worth it.
– Jeffrey Wigand

I told the truth.
– Jeffrey Wigand

Who are these people?
– Mike Wallace
Ordinary people under extraordinary pressure, Mike. What the hell do you expect? Grace and consistency?
– Lowell Bergman

No that’s fame. Fame has a fifteen minute half-life, infamy lasts a little longer.
– Mike Wallace

You’d better take a *good* look, because I’m getting two things: pissed off and curious.
– Lowell Bergman

Fuck it. Let’s go to court.
– Jeffrey Wigand

I fought for you and I still fight for you!
– Lowell Bergman
You fought for me? You manipulated me! Into where I am now – staring at the Brown & Williamson building, it’s all dark except for the tenth floor. That’s the legal department, that’s where they fuck with my life!
– Jeffrey Wigand
Jeffrey, where are you going with this? Where are you going? (Pause) You are important to a lot of people, Jeffrey. You think about that, and you think about them. (Pause) I’m all out of heroes, man. Guys like you are in short supply.
– Lowell Bergman
Yeah, guys like you, too.
– Jeffrey Wigand

In all that time, Mike, did you ever get out a plane, walk into a room and find that a source for a story changed his mind? Lost his heart? Walked out on us? Not one fucking time. You want to know why?
– Lowell Bergman
I see a rhetorical question on the horizon.
– Mike Wallace
I’m gonna tell you why: because when I tell someone I’m gonna do something, I deliver.
– Lowell Bergman

Do you have a history of emotional problems, Mr. Wigand?
– Agent
Yes. Yes, I do. I get extremely emotional when assholes put bullets in my mailbox!
– Jeffrey Wigand

So, what you’re saying is it wasn’t enough to fire me for no good reason. Now you question my integrity? On top of the humiliation of being fired, you threaten me? You threaten my family? It never crossed my mind not to honor my agreement. And I will tell you, Mr. Sandefur… and Brown & Williamson too – fuck me? Well, fuck you!
– Jeffrey Wigand

You won.
– Sharon Tiller
Yeah? What did I win?
– Lowell Bergman

I can’t seem to find the criteria to decide. It’s too big a decision to make without being resolved in my own mind.
– Jeffrey Wigand
Maybe things have changed.
– Lowell Bergman
What’s changed?
– Jeffrey Wigand
You mean since this morning?
– Lowell Bergman
No, I mean since whenever.
– Jeffrey Wigand

Are you suggesting that she and Eric are influenced by money?
– Don Hewitt
No, no, of course they’re not influenced by money. They work for free. And you are a volunteer executive producer.
– Lowell Bergman

– Tobacco Lawyer
Is there an echo in here? Your objection’s been recorded. She typed it into her little machine over there. It’s on the record. So now I’ll proceed with my deposition of my witness. Does it act as a drug?
– Ron Motley

Now are you going to go and do this thing or not?
– Lowell Bergman