The Killing Fields (1984) quotes
Roland Joffé.
Sam Waterston.
Haing S. Ngor.
John Malkovich.
A journalist is trapped in Cambodia during tyrant Pol Pot’s bloody ‘Year Zero’ cleansing campaign, which claimed the lives of two million ‘undesirable’ civilians.
You forgive me?
– Sydney Schanberg
Nothing to forgive, Sydney. Nothing.
– Dith Pran
Where do they get this crap?
– Jon Swain
That guy across the gate there. The little guy. Could we all not look at once, please? I have it on reliable sources that that’s none other than Hugh Elder.
– Al Rockoff
You’re kidding…
– Jon Swain
He’s disguised, but I got a little suspicious about it, you know what I mean?
– Al Rockoff
How does he get his copy out?
– Dith Pran
How does he get his copy out? Specially trained hens. Yeah, the BBC has commissioned them to walk past the Khmer Rouge like they’re regular fowl, and then they’ve been crossing the border into Thailand every day and every night.
– Al Rockoff
They brought in the whole fucking press corps! They want to sanitize the story? Bastards!
– Sydney Schanberg
If anybody ever gets to read about this, you won’t be able to look them in the face!
– Sydney Schanberg
I can’t eat eggs, someone told me they shrink with fright when you cook them.
– Al Rockoff
It bothers me that you let Pran stay in Cambodia because you wanted to win that fucking award and you knew you needed him!
– Al Rockoff
I had no idea that…
– Sydney Schanberg
The fuck you didn’t! The fuck you didn’t!
– Al Rockoff
Look, there could be a bloodbath here. Excuse the pun, but we’re either staying or we’re living.
– U.S. Consul
For chrissakes, Sydney, why didn’t you get him out then you had the chance? You had no right to keep him here! Funny sense of priorities.
– Morgan
I’m a reporter too, Morgan! I know his heart. I love him like my brother, and I’d do anything for him! Anything!
– Dith Pran
If the going gets rough, I heard our best bet’s the French embassy.
– Jon Swain
Who told you that?
– Sydney Schanberg
The British embassy.
– Jon Swain
Schanberg, you came on a boat you go back on a boat!
– Military Attache
That won’t stop my story!
– Sydney Schanberg
Life isn’t a ’40s movie. You can’t just get on a God damn plane and make the whole *world* come out right!
– Sydney Schanberg
Why do corpses have to pile up before people decide it’s time to go home?
– Dr. MacEntire
We’ve had one unit of blood in the last two days. Plasma substitute, please, quick.
– Dr. MacEntire
Oui, Monsieur.
– Nurse
We’ve plenty of blood, gentlemen. Plenty of blood. The problem is, it’s all in the wrong fucking place.
– Dr. MacEntire
What the hell is this?
– Sydney Schanberg
Well, listen Sydney, If you weren’t down here, I wouldn’t be down here. And I don’t want to be down here!
– U.S. Consul
Tell my wife I love her and look after all my children. She doesn’t speak any English, Sydney. Please, I don’t want anyone to be bad to my wife.
– Dith Pran
I got a right to go wherever I like in this sad little country. That’s their law, that’s our law. You impede me, you’re breaking the Cooper-Church Amendment!
– Sydney Schanberg
Well, up the Cooper-Church Amendment’s ass!
– Military Attache