The Predator (2018) quotes

Shane Black.

Boyd Holbrook.
Trevante Rhodes.
Jacob Tremblay.

When a young boy accidentally triggers the universe’s most lethal hunters’ return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled scientist can prevent the end of the human race.

Get to the choppers!
– Quinn McKenna

Hey, Baxley, question for you.
– Coyle
Uh, here we go…
– Baxley
How do you circumcise a homeless man?
– Coyle
Here it comes…
– Baxley
Kick your mom on the chin.
– Coyle

What the hell is that?
– Dr. Yamada
That’s my new suit, bubba. Hope it comes in a 42-long.
– Quinn McKenna

Why do you call it the Predator?
– Casey Bracket
It’s a nickname, the data suggests that it tracks its prey, exploits weakness. Seems to enjoy it, like a game.
– Traeger
That’s not a predator, that’s a sports hunter. A predator kills its prey to survive. What you’re describing is more like a bass fisherman.
– Casey Bracket
Well, we took a vote, Predator is cooler. Right?
– Traeger
Fuck yeah.
– Traeger

Predators don’t just sit around making hats out of rib cages. They conquered space.
– Traeger

Fuck me in the face with an aardvark!
– Baxley

Gentleman, they’re large, they’re fast, and fucking you up is their idea of tourism.
– Traeger

Hey, Baxley! If your mom’s vagina were a video game, it’d be rated E for everyone!
– Coyle

I think they’re attempting hybridization. They’re upgrading on every planet they visit.
– Casey Bracket

Figured something out: I think we’re gonna die! Just pointing it out!
– Baxley

Do you know what my job description is? I’m in acquisitions. I look up and I catch what falls out of the sky.
– Traeger

Look, I get it. Something went down in Mexico. Nobody wants any witnesses.
– Quinn McKenna
I need to know if your men pose a threat.
– VA Psych
We’re Rangers. Isn’t posing a threat kind of the fucking point?
– Quinn McKenna

Relax, we’re the good guys.
– Quinn McKenna
Oh, that’s cute.
– Casey Bracket
I like her.
– Nebraska Williams

We may die, but we’re still here. So come and get us, motherfucker.
– Quinn McKenna