Zero Dark Thirty (2012) quotes

Kathryn Bigelow.

Jessica Chastain.
Joel Edgerton.
Chris Pratt. 

A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L.s Team 6 in May 2011.

What’s this – this cluster of buildings down here?
– C.I.A. Director
The PMA – it’s the Pakistani Military Academy.
– George
It’s their West Point.
– George
And how close is it to the house?
– C.I.A. Director
About a mile.
– George
Four thousand, two hundred, twenty one feet; it’s closer to eight-tenths of a mile.
– Maya
Who are you?
– C.I.A. Director
I’m the motherfucker that found this place. Sir.
– Maya

I’m going to smoke everyone involved in this op and then I’m going to kill bin Laden.
– Maya

100% he’s there. OK, 95%, ’cause I know certainty freaks you guys out, but it’s 100.
– Maya

It’s cool, that you’re strong and I respect it, I do. But in the end, everybody breaks, bro. It’s biology.
– Dan

Quite frankly, I didn’t even want to use you guys, with your dip and velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn’t believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they’re using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn’t there, you can sneak away and no one will be the wiser. But bin Laden is there. And you’re going to kill him for me.
– Maya

Can I be honest with you? I am bad fucking news. I’m not your friend. I’m not gonna help you. I’m gonna break you. Any questions?
– Dan

So what does this Baluchi guy look like?
– Maya
Tall, long white beard, thin, walks with a cane.
– Abu Faraj al-Libbi
Kinda like Gandalf.
– Maya
– Abu Faraj al-Libbi

You can sit where you want. You’re the only one on manifest.
– C-130 Pilot
You must be pretty important. You gotta whole plane to yourself. Where you wanna go?
– C-130 Pilot

So, you agree with me now, this is important?
– Maya
No, I just learned from my predecessor that life is better when I don’t disagree with you.
– Tim – Station Chief

You know, I can always go eat with some other dude, hang you back up to the ceiling…
– Dan

I want targets. Do your fucking jobs. Bring me people to kill.
– George

When you lie to me, I hurt you.
– Dan